Tatami Omote Cutting Mats - Box of 20pcs

IN STOCK (Limited Quantities)
Heavy duty Tatami Omote/Goza Cutting Mats for Tameshigiri. Box of 20pcs - works out at $9.95 per mat. Hard to source - buy them and stock up when available as it can literally be years when they are unavailable due to size and shipping weight (but since 2024 the situation is a little more stable)..
The most traditional cutting target for Tameshigiri (test cutting practice), our Tatami Omote mats are designed to test both cutting technique, edge alignment and of course, the real cutting ability of a given sword.
When rolled and soaked overnight, a single mat has a consistency extremely similar to a human arm - and can be made to represent the torso by using two mats with a bamboo or softwood dowel insert (this knowledge is based on a period in Japanese history during the transition between cutting condemned criminals and trying to find a similar, more humane, substitute. Through trial and error, it was found that the consistently of a rolled mat and human flesh is remarkably similar against a blade).
Check out a little video I did showing how realistic tatami mats really are (as quite often, a good sword and a good cut can sever them with minimal effort, making some people think they are not realistic targets. But if you compare what other blades do to a rolled mat, the true cutting power of swords becomes very apparent.
Mats can be cut in half (half mat) to extend their usage and to challenge speed and technique and rolled while at the other end of the spectrum, two or more mats can be rolled together as one or lined up side by side for extreme power cutting.
As per the specifications section, the mats have the following statistics:
- 72" x 39" for a single mat
- A case of 20 is 41" x 19" x 12", weight is 40 lbs for the case of 20