BoJ Daisho Set #001: Antique Mid Edo Period Katana and Wakizashi 33041/3040

Genuine Antique Mid Edo Period Samurai Daisho Set. Both Swords with official certification - the Katana was made by one of the Togugawa Shoguns own smiths, the Wakizashi at the same time by a Seki-city based artisan with complete and original Koshirae (sword fittings). A rare opportunity to own a genuine matching Samurai Daisho set in almost complete and original condition.
FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING: Shipped Directly From Japan and includes all certificates of authenticity. Cannot be sold separately.
Rarely is a single sword found with all components intact and in original condition. Even rarer still, a complete matching Daisho set with fittings and blade so well cared for it is at hard times to believe that this authentic Samurai Sword set was made around 200 years ago..
But this set comes with the paperwork to prove it - the Katana proudly made by Yasutsugu, a smith in direct service to none other than Togugawa Ieyasu, from whom the smith was permitted to take part of his name. And the Wakizashi, first certified in 1955 as made around the same time as the Katana, but by the mid Edo period local Seki city sword smith, Kanesu.
Now two centuries later, the blades and the fittings are ready to find a new home on the other side of the world..
The fittings are almost entirely complete and original, with highly detailed hand made copper base seppa wrapped with a (12-14K) gold jacket, beautifully weathered full rayskin wrap with prominent emperor nodes, original rayskin wrap of the entire length of the honoki wood saya, stunning pure silver habaki, even a complete Kozuka knife that fits into the side of the Wakizashi - only the sageo (cord used to tie the saya to the obi belt) is a new addition (yes - the silk ito wrap is 200 years old as well!).
Two complete sets of Edo period fittings - two masterfully made Shirasaya mountings (white saya, in other words plain wooden temporary housing for storage and shipping) and even two fine inserts made from Honoki wood called 'tsunagi' designed to allow the fittings to be displayed while the treasured blades are safely stored elsewhere.
Speaking of the blades, the blade of the Katana is stated as having its blade proudly made by 'nanban' steel (imported European steel) - which was prized for its strength and purity compared to local Japanese sand iron steel. It has held up very well over two centuries and is in its original polish condition with a prominent suguha hamon, a few spots here and there where the hada has been polished a little excessively and some minor patina here and there, but otherwise is in exceptional condition for its age.
The Wakizashi, by which time one may speculate that having spent a small fortune commissioning a blade by one of the Tokugawa Shogun's favorite smiths and decking it out in lavish fittings, his commissioning of the Wakizashi was a little more humble, hiring a local Seki city smith of good reputation to make a companion sword that was at least worthy of the Shogun Smiths Katana..
There are no indications of battle damage, though this does not mean these blades were never raised in anger, only that there are no visible marks indicating that they had made contact with other blades or damaging targets of any type.
This Daisho set can only be purchased complete, the parts and swords should stay together to preserve what is a rare complete Samurai's Daisho set.
Both blades come with an official registration card (Juho-token-tui-torokusho) issued by the board of education and Tokubetsu Kicho certification.
The normal price for a papered a set of this kind of quality in both blade and fittings is usually between $35-38K - but due to the poor condition of the domestic Japanese sword market, our contacts were able to secure it at a heavy discount, passing on the savings to you and only marking it up enough to cover our risk and expenses.