BoJ Koshirae #001: Antique Edo Period Sword Fittings (no blade)

Perfect to give it a new life mounted in an iaito blade!
Genuine Antique Japanese made partially restored Edo period Koshirae (sword fittings) assembled with Tsunagi (wooden blade). Excellent condition for its age - is a very proud and powerful theme that belonged to a wealthy and perhaps somewhat eccentric Samurai who was certainly not shy of the attention the fittings would bring him. Available now at a drastically reduced price.
FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING: Shipped Directly From Japan.
This complete set of Antique Edo period sword fittings (Koshirae) is truly a one of a kind set made for a one of a kind Samurai. Luxurious in every respect, every part is original, though the itomaki and sageo have both been replaced with Japanese silk after centuries of wear and tear.
The theme of this set of fittings is intimidating and far from subtle, yet the earthy tones of the saya and the fittings grounds it so it is not over the top. Perhaps the most striking feature is the Hannaya (demon) headed Kashira which would catch the eye of passers by - followed by the iron tsuba which combines classical Chinese themes with the unmistakably Japanese symbol of Mt Fuji and seems to depict a powerful Shugenja (wizard/immortal) in the midst of some arcane ritual.
The fact that they were made from iron rather than copper or brass suggests the Samurai who owned it was a fighting man through and through, and other aspects of the Koshirae set attest to this - for example, the no-nonsense menuki depicting a Tachi sword and Samurai helmet and the rattan wrapped reinforced mouth of the saya with steel Kojiiri depicting hemp leaves.
Whoever had this commissioned was certainly far from the shy and retiring type!
With gold embossed fittings and saya in Tameurushi finish - the rich Urushi lacquer Japan is so famous for, in this case a dark and rich maroon color speckled with black, this set of fittings stands out from the crowd and to have it made again today would easily cost over $10,000 - but due to the downturn of sword sales in Japan due to harsh economic conditions, it is available at just a fraction of its true worth and makes a great display piece in its own right - held together by a wooden 'Tsunagi' or it can be remounted with a live blade or practice iaito blade to make it the talk of the dojo.
Comes with a silk Japanese sword bag made from a Kimono. Absolutely PERFECT for an iaidoka to remount with a Japanese iaido blade and give these fittings a peaceful second life. Or mount it with a modern or another antique blade, the choice is yours when you own this stunning complete Koshirae set.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Blade is not included with this package - it is for the fittings ONLY.