Sparkfoam LARP Backmounted Twin Katana Set (LATEX W/FIBERGLASS CORE)

TWIN SET of two high density foam sparring and LARP (live action roleplaying) back mounted Katana (with suspension system).
Two swords for the price of one - this LARP Katana set features two mean looking black on black themed 28" blades in 29" plastic saya with a super cool looking back mounted suspension system. Bring out your own inner Deadpool or urban Ninja, great for costuming, even more fun to spar with! Amazing value for money.
Sparkfoam swords are made to be able to be used by performers both live and recorded. A bendable inner core is used to keep the sword shape, and we use a special layer of material surrounding the blade that gives it a realistic metallic look.
Sparkfoam swords can also be used as costume pieces, for play fighting, display, demonstrations, practicing the sword arts, and anything you can imagine. The product is fun, completely unique in the world, and was created by a unique artist who is very proud of Sparkfoam swords.
Safer - Won't hurt you like metal, wood, synthetic or plastic sword
Performances - Great for costumes and exhibitions
Artistic - Highly detailed swords
Realistic - Material on blade gives a realistic metallic look
Keeper - Environmentally safe coloring methods won't damage our earth
Fun - You can have a lot of fun with these
Original - Unique and new products
Aesthetics - Artist designed with highly appealing appearance
Modern - Modern design and construction methods