BCI - Legendary Swords - the Master Sword

From the Legendary Swords Project - tough flexi-tempered monotempered 5160 Spring Steel blade, premium hand made fittings. Includes matching hand carved wooden scabbard. Normal price for a one off custom sword like this from BCI would be $2499 - but because we made 20pcs, we were able to both reduce the price for the original customer and offer a handful of enthusiasts the chance to own a true battle ready Master Sword at a fraction of the usual price..
Waking from a nightmare to find his Uncle dead, the young hero Link is summoned to the Lost Woods where he finds the Master Sword embedded in stone like the mythical Excalibur. Again and again, in every episode since, this sword has surfaced - slightly different each time, but instantly recognizable.
Our tribute to the Legend of Zelda's Master Sword came about as a custom sword order in late 2019 from a visitor to our 'sister site' Legendary Swords. Taking almost a year to reach completion - the end result is an original design that takes inspiration from all the previous designs, and while not claiming to be an exact copy, is also instantly recognizable. But more than this, this is the ONLY hand made, fully functional Master Sword currently available anywhere in the world.
But not for long..
Our goal was simply to provide the customer who ordered a custom Master Sword the best price possible - so instead of $2500 or so (which is what it costs for a single custom sword) we are able to bring it down to a fraction of that price by making a limited edition run of 20pcs - and offer it to any enthusiasts who also may have been interested in owning a custom battle ready version of the Master Sword.
Click HERE to take a peek behind the scenes on how the Master Sword was made at our Sister Site
The blade of the Master is hand made from 5160 spring steel, flexi-tempered to bring out the hard wearing characteristics of this extremely strong steel. It is not based on any historical sword, though has a passing resemblance to a 13th century Sword of War, though with the distinctive bulge near the hand guard. Fittings are hand filed steel, oxidized to create a burnt copper bluish finish. The handle is wood core, with a leather wrap and criss-crossing risers for a comfortable and secure grip (and will not come loose or slip off).
Includes a free wood core leather wrapped scabbard, embossed with symbols and hand painted hand painted for a rustic, black on gold theme.
Weighing in at 3.85lbs with a point of balance only 4.5" from the guard, it is both surprisingly fast yet capable of delivering devastating strikes or deep thrusts. While it looks great on display, THIS IS NOT A TOY.
As BCI is a traditional sword forge, they do not mass produce their blades - so the time to make a sword can be many, many months. These particular swords are a one off run - once sold out, the only way we could ever bring them back is if someone wants to commission a new batch. As these swords are in very limited supply and priced well below usual industry markups, it is highly recommended that if you want to secure one you order as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.