Ryujin 65MN Spring Steel Pudao Polearm

Amazing Value - Fully Functional Hand Forged 65MN Spring Steel Blade of this powerful front line infantry polearm.
In one form or another, polearms like the Chinese Pudao were in frequent usage on the battlefield and developed independently throughout Asia - for example in Japan it is the equivalent of the Naginata, or in Korea, the Hyeopdo - but seemed to be a natural evolution of the sword as similar weapons also appeared in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and pretty much in every culture that developed sword blades..
Naturally, extending the reach of a blade like this makes a lot of sense and is very versatile and effective on the battlefield, evening the odds between cavalry and the footsoldier and clearing a path through the enemy with forceful and nearly impossible to parry blows.
Unlike most other Pudao in this kind of price range, this piece has a totally functional 65mn Spring Steel cutting blade (while almost all other's are floppy stainless steel 'Wushu' blades) allowing almost anyone to be able to affordable, and very effective, long range fighting sword.
Includes a protective faux leather blade cover.