Ryujin T10 Tool Steel 'Grey Wolf' Katana

Differentially hardened T10 tool steel blade with grey wolf themed fittings. Fast, lightweight and optimally balanced.
While the Grey Wolf may have become extinct in Japan during the early 20th century, it's presence over thousands of years of Japanese history left an indelible mark on Japanese culture. Both feared and respected, the Japanese Grey Wolf was - like most wild animals - believed to be the servants of the mountain god, Yama no Kami, and has appeared time and time again in local myths and legends.
This sword is a tribute to the ancient Japanese Okami Grey Wolf - with a fast and lightweight blade designed to mimic this natural predators speed, agility and raw ferocity.
Ryujin are well known for the quality and value for money of their T10 tool steel blades - and this model is no exception. The blade is differentially hardened with a real hamon temper line and weighs in at just 2lbs with a point of a balance just 4.25" from the tsuba - making it extremely fast in the hand and easy to maneuver.
The fittings are all themed with a 'grey wolf' motif - from the grey cotton ito over real rayskin wrap to the wolf themed iron tsuba and matching wolf themed (blackened brass) Fuchigashira (with a splash of genuine gold plating here and there to highlight the wolf's yellow eyes) giving the sword a very wild and fierce theme and appearance.
Fast and deadly, it is the lightest and fastest sword in the Ryujin line up - making it great fun for trick cuts and for super fast formwork.