Citadel Bamboo Katana - Limited Edition III

Premium quality, and one of a run of only 100 swords, the Bamboo Katana by Citadel Knives and Swords in Cambodia sets a new standard for high end cutting Katana truly comparable in quality to a genuine Japanese Nihonto. Each part is custom made to that particular blade with a QC standard that is truly world class.
Citadel's swords and knives are completely hand-made one off customs made entirely in their small shop in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. We've asked them to make for us a few in the same style, but made in the same way as their custom swords. Crafted individually from start to finish, each one is of course a bit unique in it's own way. Limited to just 100 swords, each is signed by the smith on the nakago with the sword number and comes with a matching certificate.
Click here to read about how these exceptional samurai swords are made
And click here for our behind the scenes visit to the Forge in Phnom Penh
This rendition of the classical bamboo themed katana is a light and fast sword. Hand forged from imported European DNH7 high carbon steel the differentially hardened blade features a "bo-hi" or fuller to lighten and balance the blade without sacrificing strength. This is an extremely collectible and capable sword.
The tsuba is hand cut and engraved from pure iron. The "nanako" or stippled pattern on the tsuba is accomplished by hand, quite a feat of patience with a stunning result. The tsuba also features "seki-gane", metal inserts at the top and bottom of the hole for the blade to slip through. These are of a softer metal (copper) than the iron of the tsuba and allow easier shaping of the hole to perfectly fit the tsuba to the blade. Over time if this fit becomes loose or the tsuba is fitted to another blade the seki-gane may be adjusted easily to tighten it back up. This is a small detail usually only found on hand-made Japanese tsuba and is indicative of the level of care and craftsmanship given to these swords by Citadel.
The "tsuka" or handle and "saya" or scabbard are hand carved to fit each individual blade ensuring a proper fit. The handle is wrapped in genuine imported silk form Japan and tightly wrapped around the full same-gawa or ray skin wrap around the wooden core. The saya is lacquered in black to a nice semi-gloss finish with a ray skin wrap near the mouth of the saya to strengthen this area.
In hand this sword feels as if it is a natural extension to your arm, a truly exceptional experience.