Ryujin 65MN Spring Steel Imperial Kiangxi Horsebane
Traditional Hand Forged 65MN Spring Steel Blade. Originally designed to literally amputate the legs of a charging horse, but will cut and slice nearly anything put in front of it..!
The Kiangxi Horsebane was one of the first and most popular swords in our Forge Direct series - even with the $2,000 price tag it had. But here is an entry level version that costs less than 10% of the previous Kiangxi, but despite the low price, is a totally functional cutting sword.
These swords, which were in many ways more like a short hafted glaive than a traditional sword, were designed to wreak havok on the battlefield and were designed with sheer cutting power in mind, for these swords were 'horse killers' used to chop the head and/or the legs off an enemies mount and leave them helpless on the ground.
This version dates to around the 17th century and reached the peak of its use and popularity during the reign of the Kiangxi Emperor, hence its name.
The blade is made from 65 mn Spring steel, tempered for toughness and sharpened so it can slice and dice tatami like vegetables on a chopping board.. The fittings are highly detailed castings with a wood core handle and scabbard, with faux-leather inlay on the sheathe. On display, it is highly intimidating, but this is no mere ornament and is the kind of sword many other companies may try to pass off as priced much higher item, but here you can get it for an honest and awesome price. Comes with a free bonus sword display box.
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Featured positive reviews:
Unboxed this meaty beast and wow. Has more weight than i was expecting which is nice. Came very shard. Blade was alittle sticky im guessing it was the oil they used dryed up but easily cleaned off and couple strings of glue on the handle which just excess of assembly which also no big deal..only issue id say would be handle little long for me for just normal backyard chopping but as a function of killing meaty things id imagine than extra handle would help push threw the target oh yeah and all the dragons on this thing i just love .. awesome piece. Worth it people get one you'll love it