Scratch and Dent - 65MN Spring Steel Ming Dynasty Willow Leaf Dao

65MN Spring Steel Ming Dynasty Willow Leaf Dao from the hot specials section.
Scratch and Dent Issue: The scabbard has a hairline crack and fracture towards the bottom. Everything else is fine.
SCRATCH AND DENT ISSUES - rough handling during shipping cracked the bottom few inches of the scabbard. Easy fix for someone with experience or just left as is. The blade/sword itself is fine. Huge discount for one lucky, fast person.
Influenced by the Mongol invasions and after the collapse of the Yuan Dynasty, by the early Ming Dynasty (1368 to 1644) the Chinese Dao had changed from a single edged to a curved single edged blade and was so successful on the battlefield that it continued in military use well into the Qing Dynasty (1644 to 1911). The willow leaf style, unlike its cousin the Goosequill Saber (which cuves only towards the very end of the blade) was the most common type of Dao (saber) on the Ming Dynasty battlefield onwards and is also the most common type of Dao used in surviving Chinese Martial arts.
Unlike most Wushu Dao on the market however, this is no flimsy, whippy blade for show but is based on the swords used in actual historical combat. And with the extremely strong, well made 65MN Spring Steel blade with partial fuller (blood groove) is an exceptional cutter for a one handed sword.
Weighing just 1.8lbs with a point of balance far out enough to give it some power behind each stroke, it is an extremely well balanced and enjoyable cutter and exceptional value for money.
When on display, it is highly intimidating, but this is no mere ornament and is the kind of sword many other companies may try to pass off as a much higher priced item and charge accordingly, but here you can get it for an honest and awesome price that almost anyone can afford.