Scorpion Swords Orc Chopper

Made to Order
Ultra Durable, fully functional Orc style 'Chopper'. Individually Hand Made by Chris Palmer in the USA. Please allow 5-6 weeks for production and delivery.
Orcs are vile, evil and violent creatures. So it should come as no surprise that their blades, of which every individual Orc sports a small personal armory of, are equally brutal - and the Orc 'Chopper' as it's name suggests, is one of the most brutal of them all.
While almost every Orc has a 'War Cleaver' (also made by Scorpion Swords) many also have a Chopper sheathed nearby and have been known to use both at the same time, typically with the Cleaver in their dominant right hand (all Orcs are right handed) and the Chopper in their left. However, it is also brought into play when their primary melee weapon is rendered useless or in close combat fighting, using the short hafted, blade heavy chopper to great effect as it delivers a series of devastating blows in rapid succession, literally chopping them into conveniently bite sized pieces (as the Chopper is also frequently used to process the meat of any fallen combatants - from both sides - for Orcs are not above cannibalism when other fresh meat is in short supply).
While it is primarily designed to be used with one hand, the grip is more than long enough to deliver a fierce two handed blow with fight stopping power and can be used with a choked up grip for close in fighting, gripped near the base for additional reach or even thrown (Orcs frequently throw their melee weapons as they usually have several other blades, knifes and axes on their person and need not worry about ever being totally unarmed..)
The blade itself is made from 1095 carbon steel, which when combined with Chris's superior heat treatment process results in an EXTREMELY DURABLE and almost indestructible sword. The blade is heated to approximately 1500 degrees, until it becomes non magnetic and then quenched in brine (salt water). The 2nd step is Heat Tempering, which consists of heating the steel to 500 degrees for 2 hours, and letting it air cool. This makes for a Rockwell Hardness of approximately 57.
Truly FULL tang, the Burnt Walnut wood handle is affixed in place with pins and gorilla glue resulting in the strongest handle construction possible. Combined with the tough blade and you have a sword with no weak points that maximizes its durability.
Unlike most other swords at this price point, Scorpion Swords are individually hand made by Chris Palmer at his workshop in Missouri. All orders are handmade in our shop as orders are received. They are NOT Factory Made! High order volume makes it difficult to keep any of their weapons in stock, so please allow 6-8 weeks for completion and delivery.