Cold Steel Restock!

Just a quick note, we have just had a limited re-stock of some of Cold Steels best swords which are again available at our heavily discounted prices at the SBG sword store.

It is all brand new, fresh stock – but quantities are limited. Two in particular are limited now to 1pc each – the Nodachi and the Italian longsword, so you need to act fast on these..!

Apologies in advance if they are sold out by the time you view this post – we will be updating the stock automatically and also checking its status twice daily – everything is of course listed here on our Cold Steel swords page.

Custom Katana Update

Phew, things have been crazy busy with batches 30 and 31. Most people in batch 30 and some in batch 31 have already been contacted once we have confirmed that their sword came in and was error and flaw free (try saying flaw free three times fast without making a mistake!).

Speaking of mistakes, in batch 30, I made a couple of exceptions for individual customers – something that I normally don’t do because in the past it messes up the system we have refined over the years – and as such, the error rate on customizations shot up to the highest level I have seen in years. Granted, it was a bigger batch than normal – but there were around 5 or 6 individually wrong customizations (i.e. everything as ordered except wrong ito color, or wrong saya color, etc). So frustrating for everyone when this happens, but our Canada team caught each one before shipping and we have already talked to all the customers effected who are getting priority remakes – in the meantime, we will offer the wrongly customized swords as scatch and dents and one off’s.

In the spirit of full disclosure, here are some of our batch 30 blunders..

Doh, customizations were correct except the ito - should have been purple..

Doh, customizations were correct except the ito – should have been purple.. A decent looking sword though, and excellent quality. Priority Remake being done for the customer.

Saya was right, but the ito should have been red on this one..! Argh..

Saya was right, but the ito should have been red on this one..! Argh.. Priority renmake, I don’t know if this a crash hot color combination, if we sell as a scratch and dent it will be a low price.. Priority remake in progress at the forge for the customer.

Customizations were perfect on this one, but white using two pieces of rayskin is standard at this price point, the customer agreed it ruined the appearance - especially on a leather wrap. So its being remade sans rayskin gap (rayskin is super expensive, so they use every strip rather than throw it away. Understandable, and ok for the LITES maybe, but not 3.0 Katana)

Customizations were perfect on this one, but white using two pieces of rayskin is standard at this price point, the customer agreed it ruined the appearance – especially on a leather wrap. So its being remade as we speak at the forge, sans rayskin gap (rayskin is super expensive, so they use every strip rather than throw it away. Understandable, and ok for the LITES maybe, but not 3.0 Katana)

Otherwise though, the majority of batch 30 should all be shipped out by this weekend – and some of batch 31. We still have a handful of swords that did not clear customs that we are still working on and those Aikuchi Tanto that should be leaving the forge this week, so don’t worry – while we are super busy managing it all, rest assured that we are on the case and no one has been forgotten and no orders lost. We have a pretty good system of tracking everything these days, and the overall quality just keeps on getting better and better..

As long as I don’t allow any more exceptions that is! (we will have to look at some option for fully customized swords that is OUTSIDE the batches so it doesn’t effect them. But for now, please don’t ask for any options that fall outside of what we offer as standard – it has a nasty flow on effect that messes up the system we have developed over the years and hits orders batch wide).

In other custom Katana news, batch 32 is well underway, as are the priority remakes seen above, and there are only 12 more days before batch 33 closes, so as usual we are super busy. But the new Canadian sorting and inspecting team are doing a great job, they go over each sword with a fine toothcomb checking for defects or customization errors – so while it slows things down a bit, the end result is a sword with an unheard of level of QC at this price point. Hard to do, but worth it when we hear from a delighted customer who gets so much more than they expected..

Got to get back to it all – looking forward to getting these straggler batches 30 and 31 all sorted out for everyone. I think you will find, they are worth the wait..

– Paul

Hanwei Renshu Katana Series

What do you get when you cross the Hanwei Practical series with a Hanwei Raptor blade? The answer is – the new limited edition RENSHU series: Heavy duty 5160 monotempered spring steel blades with unique iron tsuba and Practical series tsuka handles..!

The Renshu Series Katana!

The Renshu Series Katana!

Now for those of you who don’t know what they are, and what makes these Katana such a good buy, here is the scoop. The blades are exactly the same as the Raptor series Katana – currently sold out, but priced at $299.99 plus shipping at SBG ($450 over at Hanwei). These blades were designed by the legendary James Williams of Bugei to be no nonsense cutters that you can use on harder, non traditional targets if you don’t have access to tatami mats, etc and have been very well received by the sword community in general.

You can read more about the Raptor Series swords over at CAS Iberia’s website here or watch the video demo below:

Now while these are sold out at the moment, the Renshu series are being offered as an alternative – a limited edition sword with the same blades, 2 uique tsuba designs, and the practical series tsuka to bring the price down..

As such, they are some $50 less than the Raptor here at SBG – making these tough 5160 monotempered spring steel blades better value than ever. And for the month of march only, you can select one of three high quality Japanese sword bags valued at $40 FREE!

A striped design

A striped design

A peacock themed design

A peacock themed design

Or a "Fret" patterned design.

Or a “Fret” patterned design.

Simply select which one you like using the drop down menu and we will include it with your Renshu Katana order for FREE (plus you will also get the basic, black sword bag that comes standard).

Here are the swords on offer, pretty cool designs I think.

Click here for more info

Click here for more info

Click here for more info

Remember, once these are sold out – they are gone for good. So take advantage of this deal while you can!




Custom Katana Update

Just a quick update – the deadline for batch 32 just expired and we are now finalizing all orders with our customers and preparing to send the entire batch details to the forge to commence work by this time next week at the latest. So if you have an order in with batch 32 that was placed recently, there is not a lot of time should you wish to make any last minute changes. If this applies to you, please contact us as soon as possible so as not to hold up the production.

Batches 30 and 31 are currently in the process of sorting, inspecting and shipping. There has been a few delays and hiccups, mostly because at the last minute we relocated our team to Canada, but there are currently 3 people working through each order, checking each blade for any possible flaws, making sure the customizations are correct, and if everything is ok, re-oiling, repackaging and sending them on. So if you haven’t received your tracking number yet please be patient, we really are doing our best to get them out fast but NOT skipping any steps of the inspection process. Better to wait a few days to make sure you get the very best product possible than for us to ship a flawed or wrong sword..!

Thanks for bearing with us, more updates to follow. In the meantime, batch 33 is now open until the 7th of April with an expected delivery date of July 15th.

Certainly keeping busy..!