Pre-Christmas Update

Well, it has been a busy and interesting few weeks in the lead up to Christmas.

We have had several specials come and go, notably the two Christmas Ninja specials from Hanwei, and on the 21st the long anticipated Ronin Restock arrived introducing several new models including my personal favorite of the line up thus far, the strikingly attractive Black on black tsuka with blood red saya 30″ blade ‘Trapped Oni Soul’ Katana pictured below.

Plus I think the new model 18 with it’s green silk ito is rather special looking…

  You can see them all in the SBG Sword Store here (there are over 1,000 Katana in stock).

Naturally, with Christmas now literally around the corner and with most delivery services only having three days between now and new years when they will be actively shipping, any orders placed now will take a little longer to process and arrive. But apart from a couple of days when I will be spending time with my 5 year old daughter over Christmas, the SBG Sword Store will still be open – though communication with some of our affiliated warehouses may be slow as many are either on or about to go on holidays. But I’ll do my best to stay in touch with you and help out with anything as much as possible.

I’ll post again before the new year is over as there will be a few (very) special offerings available that we have been sitting on for one reason or another. But in the meantime, have a great and Merry Christmas!!!

– Paul

Christmas Madness!

It’s a mad house around here – with Christmas just around the corner there are shipments flying every which way, the stragglers from batch 20 of the SBG custom Katana going out – you name it, it’s happening!

But to top it all off, we had a couple of Hanwei sales recently – most notably the Hanwei Practical Ninjato that ended up selling out within 24 hours..! (actually, the Ninjas got to them! I’m not kidding, someone else snapped them up from the warehouse and will probably sell them at a much higher price – we had to reverse 5 orders within a day due to this sadly)..

Anyway, with Christmas FAST approaching – and because sword deliveries are not instantaneous – if you haven’t already now is definitely the time to get any sword orders that you want by Christmas in. Usually we don’t advertise Christmas sales because our store is not – we are a small business, not a corporate giant shipping machine.

But this year, especially on the Hanwei’s, we thought “why not” as their warehouse is almost hands down the most effecient in the industry – so when two more deals came along on two extremely cool swords, we jumped on them.

And I suggest if you find them of interest you do the same, especially on that stunning Iga Ninjato in the hot specials section because I would not be surprised if they are snatched up again super fast..

For other products in our store, it’s probably getting a bit too late to order anything else other than a Cheness sword. Here is there official ‘when to order by’ schedule:

International orders, Hawaii, Alaska, PR – Orders needs to be placed by Friday November 30th
PO Boxes in the continental US – Orders needs to be placed by Friday December 14th
Continental US (Eastern, Central) – Orders needs to be placed by Midnight Monday, December 17th
Continental US (West Coast) – Orders needs to be placed by Midnight Thursday, December 20th.

 Personally, I feel it’s leaving it a bit close – as we get closer to Christmas packages fly every which way but where they are supposed to, and delays are to be expected. So if there is something you want, seriously, now is the time to get it..

Once the Hanwei sale is over we will be bowing out of the Christmas madness and concentrating on making sure that any existing Christmas orders make it there in time.

But yes, in the meantime – if you are in need of a sword for Christmas, don’t wait another second..

For our Christmas Specials, please visit the Hot Specials section 



New Dynasty Forge Models – First Picks and Special Offer at SBG!

Hi guys,

This is a bit of a special exclusive offer for SBG store visitors, and especially for anyone who is reading this blog right now (such as your fine self!).

Dynasty Forge are BACK – and they are back with a vengeance! We are proud to present you with several brand NEW products based on Dynasty’s 11 years of experience in the sword industry, and they have kindly offered SBG site visitors the first pick of the cream of the crop!

Additional selected new swords from their entire range will be added to the store over the coming days and weeks, but we kick it off with 3 Katana, one from their entry level monotempered Musha class, the Musashi – the clay tempered and Machine polished Silver Dragon from the Bushi Class and their elite hand polished, differentially hardened and forge folded (with 9000 layers) Daimyo Class Gold Eagle.

The Musashi has been around for a long time, but the new stock we are offering here is the November 2012 version – with a slightly longer blade now measuring at 29″ and standardized fittings creating a much better fit between the various components, addressing previous issues with poorly fit tsuka.

The Silver Dragon and the Gold Eagle are both brand new products – but built upon the solid foundation set by Dynasty since 2003 and take each class to a whole new level.

The Elite ‘Golden Eagle’ – a Katana with the Works..!


To celebrate our exclusive release of these swords we are offering all readers of this blog a whopping 10% discount on our first three Dynasty Forge listed swords from now until the 30th of November.

Simply enter the coupon code:


In the checkout and Save on this exclusive SBG offer!

*Please note – this exclusive discount offer can only be used at the time of purchase, we cannot refund you 10% if you buy first and then see this post.

And Batch 21 is closed..

Ok guys, that’s it – batch 21 is now officially closed and for the next couple of days my assistant and I will be going over the orders, making sure that everything is entered as it should be and getting the final instructions over to the forge so they can begin work.

Apologies to anyone who was not able to get in on this batch that wanted to – these swords are just too popular for their own good, which I suppose is understandable considering the price (especially as we have had to absorb some recent increases again, which leaves us with a paper thin margin now – but even though it would be very easy to increase the price, I’ll resist it for as long as we possibly can)..

At the same time, batch 20 should be hitting customs now so we will be pretty busy..

I’ll post again soon, but in the meantime to everyone in batch 21 – thanks for your order, I’ll be in touch with you personally very soon!

Thanks all,

– Paul

Batch 21 now open (but not for long)

It’s official, the short run batch 21 is now officially open and taking orders – though as mentioned in previous posts it won’t be open for long…

If you want to order, best to get in quick – we will likely close very early next week though it really depends on how fast the orders come in. So far, they are coming in pretty quickly so if you want to get in on this batch now is definitely the best time to do so.

I’ll post another update when we close – so talk to you all again soon.

– Paul