New War Fire Katana by Dragon King

There isn’t anything all that revolutionary about the Warfire Katana by Dragon King. Indeed, it could be argued that it is rather plain – but that is actually part of its charm. Its uncomplicated. Traditional. Very traditional really, with Banzashi (Formal Castle Regulation) fittings that were required for Samurai who were retainers to the Shogun in Edo – black ito, white rayskin – black sageo and black saya with buffalo horn Kurikata, Kojiri and Koiguchi.

True formal, classic Samurai style..

And maybe that return to basics is what is makes it stand out. Its not fancy -a little streak of silver in the menuki – but neither is boring, for in the dark fittings if you look closely you can see scenes of war and horror to remind the Samurai that death is there in every second..

But the basics on this one are solid – steel fittings. cotton ito wrapped tight over real rayskin. Sturdy saya with buffalo horn, and a beautifully forged 65 mn spring steel blade with clear hadori finished notare hamon that gives it HRC 60 at the cutting edge and 40 at the spine.

Its all there – no shortcuts, and a great price – $500 over at Cas Iberia or $374.99 with free shipping at SBG.

Click here for more information


NEW from Ryujin – 5160 Spring Steel DH Katana Series..!

Something brand new from our friends at RYUJIN – this time a completely different steel..!

Previously all the swords have been made from T10 tool steel – but this time Ryujin are trying something different with hard wearing 5160 Spring Steel, differentially hardened to create a real suguha hamon and available with a completely different set of iron fittings and tsuka handles made specifically to fit the blade dimensions of this new line called appropriately enough the Ryujin 5160 Spring Steel Katana ELITE – Suguha Hamon

The blades are simple in their beauty, with the 5160 Spring Steel taking on a particularity clear and vivid hamon.

And this time around, the customization options have been kept deliberately simple. You can choose from one of 4 different iron tsuba based on Japanese antiques. And for the tsuka – you have three options – black cotton, sandy brown cottton or even black suede for extra comfort on the hands.

Normal industry pricing would see these swords sell for around the $500 mark – but for our trial run they are just $299.99

Stock is quite limited – and some of the most popular configurations are likely to sell out very quickly, so if you want to get in on this deal, you snooze – you lose..

Check them out here at the top of the full Ryujin Sword lineup exclusive to SBG

Coming Soon from A.P.O.C.

Following up on the success of the Katana and the Cutlass in the A.P.O.C. Tactical series are two new designs by the legendary Gus Trim..

Expected to be available in late September – as with all of the swords in this series – the two new models will be made from Monotempered 9260 Spring Steel and with full sandwich tang ensuring no moving parts for maximum durability of the entire assembly.

The first new model is the Survival Broad Sword:

With a wide cutting blade terminating in a servicable tip, this sword takes the medieval arming sword to its natural evolutionary conclusion – and with a listed weight of 2lbs with point of balance 5″ from the guard makes it nice and fast in the hand with quick recovery times.

Got to love their official ‘blurb’ trailer:

“After everything hits the fan and the muck has settled, all the symbols that represented the best man had to offer (honor, compassion, liberty, truth, trust, dignity, integrity, justice) are laid waste to give way to what now matters most: survival. In the twilight of man’s morality, a new symbol emerges to bring law to the foreboding chaos to come .. the A.P.O.C. Broad Sword. “

The second sword is one of the most unique and perhaps the most menacing looking..

The Wasteland Gladius:

This one looks particularly interesting, with a versatile hand and a half style grip and substantial weight behind it (2lbs 8oz) – not to mention the intimidation factor..!

From the official blurb:

Containing all the expected features of the swords in the series, our Wasteland Gladius design arises from the larger gladius designs featuring a pronounced “wasp-waist” or “leaf blade” curvature. Along the 21 3/8” blade edge it gives you different angles for different tasks needed on the desolate wastes. The blade flares out from 1 3/8” to 2” creating a brutal chopping cutter and a powerful piercing point or whichever you need. The pommel of the handle doubles as skull cracker, glass breaker for whatever needs bashing or breaking. The 9 ½” handle allows for easy single-hand or two-hand sword use making the Wasteland Gladius probably the most versatile swords in the series.

Awesome stuff, can’t wait to see these come in!!

In the meantime..

We are pleased to say we still have stock of the original two A.P.O.C. series swords that started it all off.. Now with lower pricing on the Tactical Katana and still with FREE SHIPPING

Check them out here – currently under the Dragon King brand but once the two new swords hit A.P.O.C. will be considered mature enough to exist as a new brand in its own right.

Hanwei/Cas Iberia Restock!

It is that time of year again, when Cas Iberia – arguably the largest distributor of swords in the world – gets in a container load or two of functional swords from their suppliers..

And this time around, a ton of popular swords that have not been restocked in ages are once again available to purchase.

Probably the most popular one, and the one that ALWAYS sells out the fastest, is the amazing Tinker Pearce Longsword (pictured below).

Insanely good value at just $229.99

Honesty, we really should raise the price on these as clearly demand far outstrips supply – but that’s not the SBG way, so you just need to get in quick.

Another couple of fast sellers are the awesome Ninjato replicas – the Iga and the Kouga Ninjato by Paul Chen..

And then there is one that I honestly can’t remember how many years it has been since it was restocked – so long that I pretty much thought it had been discontinued – and that is the Ox-Tail Dao, a very nifty Chinese Broadsword with brass fittings and amazing cutting action for such a low priced, single handed blade..

Priced to sell at just $199.99

And then there is the amazingly historically accurate Hanwei Cawood Sword, the super tough Claymore, the Mercenary Sword (which I recently discovered is actually a rare and quite accurate replica of the hard to find Oakeshott Type XX Longsword) – all of these to be had for well under $300..

Or how about the classic Shinto Katana, or the L6 Bainite Praying Mantis Katana, or the – well, okay – you get the idea.. Just excited to see a lot of these swords restocked again. 🙂

And if you are too, well – check them all out here..

Hanwei Forge Swords at the SBG Sword Store

New: FREE Custom Options Added to All Scorpion Swords!

Exclusive to SBG – now when you order one of the ancient or fantasy inspired almost indestructible hand made in the USA swords from Scorpion Swords you get four new custom options for each and every sword in the line up!

Don’t like the black blade of our SBG designed Tactical Ko Katana? No problem! Customize it and select either a 2 toned black and steel color or just plain ‘silver’ (steel). Or want to change the black Mircarta wooden handle to bloodwood, walnut or maple? No problem there either you can do that too!

How about a lanyard hole to attach a lanyard? With or without, its up to you (Lanyard not included).

And the best part is, all the customization options are FREE (and no hidden price rise to cover it either)! Just select what you would like using the dropdown selections when you order and have it made YOUR way..!

And Speaking of Scorpion Swords..

Their Ancient Khopesh Sword of the Pharaoh recently made a guest appearance on ‘Elementary’ by CBS starring Johnny Lee Miller as Sherlock Holmes and Lucy Liu as ‘Watson’.

They actually requested that the sword be sent to them unsharpened for their story line (an option you can select now too!) – but what they ended up doing with it surprised everyone..

See the highlights from its ‘cameo’ role in the video below.

Now imagine what the damage would have been like if they used the regular sharpened one..