Following up on the success of the Katana and the Cutlass in the A.P.O.C. Tactical series are two new designs by the legendary Gus Trim..
Expected to be available in late September – as with all of the swords in this series – the two new models will be made from Monotempered 9260 Spring Steel and with full sandwich tang ensuring no moving parts for maximum durability of the entire assembly.
The first new model is the Survival Broad Sword:

With a wide cutting blade terminating in a servicable tip, this sword takes the medieval arming sword to its natural evolutionary conclusion – and with a listed weight of 2lbs with point of balance 5″ from the guard makes it nice and fast in the hand with quick recovery times.
Got to love their official ‘blurb’ trailer:
“After everything hits the fan and the muck has settled, all the symbols that represented the best man had to offer (honor, compassion, liberty, truth, trust, dignity, integrity, justice) are laid waste to give way to what now matters most: survival. In the twilight of man’s morality, a new symbol emerges to bring law to the foreboding chaos to come .. the A.P.O.C. Broad Sword. “
The second sword is one of the most unique and perhaps the most menacing looking..
The Wasteland Gladius:

This one looks particularly interesting, with a versatile hand and a half style grip and substantial weight behind it (2lbs 8oz) – not to mention the intimidation factor..!
From the official blurb:
Containing all the expected features of the swords in the series, our Wasteland Gladius design arises from the larger gladius designs featuring a pronounced “wasp-waist” or “leaf blade” curvature. Along the 21 3/8” blade edge it gives you different angles for different tasks needed on the desolate wastes. The blade flares out from 1 3/8” to 2” creating a brutal chopping cutter and a powerful piercing point or whichever you need. The pommel of the handle doubles as skull cracker, glass breaker for whatever needs bashing or breaking. The 9 ½” handle allows for easy single-hand or two-hand sword use making the Wasteland Gladius probably the most versatile swords in the series.
Awesome stuff, can’t wait to see these come in!!
In the meantime..
We are pleased to say we still have stock of the original two A.P.O.C. series swords that started it all off.. Now with lower pricing on the Tactical Katana and still with FREE SHIPPING
Check them out here – currently under the Dragon King brand but once the two new swords hit A.P.O.C. will be considered mature enough to exist as a new brand in its own right.