New Product: The Most Durable Blade We Have Ever Stocked… Hanwei L6 Bainite Katana!

I often get asked the question:

 What is the most durable Katana I can buy?

The answer is a tricky one – historically Katana never were all that durable. They could and would break during the heat of combat, leading to a sudden and unexpected death because while they were easy enough to snap (there is a scene in the movie “Shogun” in which Hideo Takamatsu playing the part of Buntaro is furious at his wife Mariko for getting too close to the barbarian gaijin Blackthorne, and he draws his sword to strike her down, thinks better of it, cuts deep into a wooden support beam, and snaps his sword clean in half when he tries to retrieve it! Serves him right – but the sword breaking like that, all quite historically plausible I am afraid..)

The reason most people think Katana are so amazingly durable is, I believe, twofold:

1) Because it can, in the hands of a skilled swordsman, cut you clean in half with one cut. Historical Katana were SPECIALIZED to cut, as grim as it sounds, human flesh and bone in the form of an unarmored or minimally armored opponent. There were exceptions, like the Dotanuki style of blade, which was used to cut an ARMORED opponent in half, but these were – as I said – exceptions. The misconception comes about because we imagine we are more special than say, a tree, so if it can cut us so easily, surely it can cut ANYTHING. But not so..

2) The second reason is, well, this kind of thing:

While the reality is actually a lot scarier..

Anyway, while a totally indestructible, cut anything Katana may be a misconception/myth – around 10-15 years ago there appeared on the market monotempered Katana, which with a simple maru lamination and decent heat treatment, proved capable of withstanding tremendous punishment when compared to a historical Katana, bridging the gap between “Myth and Fantasy”..

When they found out that it was all quite serious, naturally, the market responded with enthusiastic zeal, so with modern steels and much trial and error, the sword industries quest for the most durable blade possible began in earnest..

Now at SBG we have found a couple of really good steels, configurations and tempering methods that do not cost too much but yield, pound for pound, can withstand the kind of abuse that would break a traditional Katana clean in half..

Yet, the best we have offered to date, our 9260 Spring Steel Katana – arguably our most durable Katana (followed closely by the expert tempered 1060 carbon steel Dõtanuki blades from Ronin Katana) are made to a budget. If we can look above the US$300 price point, looking ONLY for what most collectors consider to be the most durable steel currently in existance – the closest thing to an “indestructible” sword – then the answer would have to be a Howard Clark L6 Bainite Katana..



So exactly what is this L6 Bainite stuff, from a laymans’ point of view?

Well, it was originally first used by famous US swordsmith, Howard Clark and tested to the extreme by Adrian Ko from SFI back in 1999 (it isn’t online these days sadly, or at least several hours of searching suggested it has all been buried – but his tests showed him bending the sword in a vice more than 90 degrees and it sprang back to true!) – and needless to say, as word got out – people started getting excited.

Here is a video of Howard Clark and James Williams explaining more details about what it is all about and why L6 Bainite is so special:

Now this is all very well and good.

Only problem is, best of luck getting Howard Clark to make a sword for you in 2014..!

His backlog must be several years by now and he can pick and choose, indeed I recently saw a second hand Howard Clark BARE BLADE sell for over $3,400 in the classifieds section of a sword forum..!

With such demand, you would expect L6 blades would be everywhere.

Not so, as they are notoriously hard to make, and for years no one could crack the code.. That is until Paul Chen from Hanwei’s own son, Ron Chen – a skilled swordsmith in his own right – decided he would not rest until he did.. The result? In their own words:

Bainite is a structure of high-carbon steel that combines great strength with excellent flexibility and shock absorption characteristics. It has been known as an exemplary Katana blade component for a number of years but its use has been restricted to a few top-class master smiths, due to the difficulties involved in performing the exacting heat treatment procedures necessary for the production of a Bainite blade body in combination with the very hard Martensite Yakiba (edge section) required for Katana blades.

Hanwei has now mastered this difficult process, using billets of L-6 tool steel (a very tough high-carbon low-alloy steel) as a starting point. Blades are forged and shaped in the normal way, then carefully heat treated to achieve the required Bainite and Martensite structures before final polishing.

Yes, they succeeded in making a Hanwei L6 Bainite Katana they were proud to call their own – and the fruit of that labor is the sword this post revolves around, the stunning Preying Mantis Katana, now IN STOCK and available at the lowest price it has EVER been made available for..

If you are a fan of high end Katana and want to own a blade made from this somewhat legendary sword steel, you had best be quick..

Not many of these are made, it is often a year or more between restocks, and at this price, they will surely be snapped up by discerning collectors – and provides something for the rest of us to drool over and aspire to…

Click here for more information

New Products: Hanwei High End Wakizashi

The funny thing about Japanese swords is that, while superficially to the completely untrained observer two swords might look “the same” – one is priced at $10,000 and the other, $60 (ok, you would think even the untrained eye might see the difference – but the point I am trying to make is that Japanese style swords, especially production models, are priced depending on how REFINED they are).

The only problem is, the more refined the blade – the more $$$. So what is the answer for someone who appreciates and wants a taste of a higher level of craftsmanship, but whose budget can’t justify spending over a grand to get one – we offer a middle way: why not buy an elite level WAKIZASHI!

We selected two of Hanwei’s finest to stock at SBG. And we shaved our margins to the bone to make the affordable alternative even more affordable.

Check out what we selected below.

Click here for more information

Click here for more information

New Product: Hanwei Japanese Sword Cleaning Kit

I had long resisted making a cleaning kit available at the SBG Sword Store, mostly because I had had so many bad experiences with just how USELESS the vast majority you get free with a sword (its NOT FREE, as an experienced sword seller – and buyer – I know whatever free items that have been have been factored into the final price and I am definitely paying for) or pick up on ebay for $20, really are.

I mean, none of the materials are authentic, 90% of the time the oil is dried out, the box broken, the thread on the mekugi-nuki hammer gone so it spins everytime you try to use it..


The ONLY exception I would recommend to people who could not be bothered making their own sword cleaning kit for FREE (or almost free, just depends on what you have laying around in the garage already) was this Hanwei Sword cleaning Kit – simply because, it was decent quality and the components – actually useable! (shock horror – think of the difference between a stainless steel wallhanger and a fully functional sword and you get the idea of the quality variation).

So when listing some new swords the question came up – why not make it available? After all, a lot of people like the convenience of a decent ready made kit, there really was no reason not to make them available…

So here they are!

Click here for more information



New Product: Hanwei Cromwell Mortuary Sword


Cromwell looking non plussed as usual. Courtesy Wikipedia Commons.

It is kind of ironic that they call this piece a Mortuary Sword as for a time it was “dead” (discontinued), then exclusively available here at CAS Iberia (for $510 mind you, take it or leave it) – and then, only very recently, made available to wholesaler and resellers again..

Thus, when we saw some of these incredibly ornate swords actually come in with the most recent CAS shipment of Hanwei swords – I HAD to bring them to the market for a reasonable price again..

So we turned back the clock and listed them for US$299.99 WITH FREE SHIPPING!

The original review that sparked my interest in this sword can be found on SBG here – and it spurred me to test and review a lesser variant that, again, was discontinued (but I believe may also be coming back soon into stock and general distribution) – the “Mortuary Hilt Sword” (click the link to read the review).

While initially not my cup of tea, after handling and trying these swords out I have become rather fond of them and happy to support something a bit different than the usual run of the mill longsword or Katana..

Here is a video of me messing around with Hanwei’s budget version:

The Cromwell really is the luxury upgrade model, I mean – that full rayskin handle wrap really makes it pop. Just stunning..

Click here for more info


Not sure who Oliver Cromwell was? Monty Python sums it up nicely..


Well, they sum it up anyway..