Second of the February Flash sales sees the two ends of the spectrum of the Dragon King Katana line go on special until midnight Valentines day..
At the high end, the stunning Kawanakajima Katana, a folded mix of T10 tool steel and 9260 spring steel with prominent clay tempered hamon and ornate, silver fittings make this blade a treasure.

And indeed, with a MSRP of $1,500 (and our everyday low price of $1200) it is very much at the pinnacle of what a production Katana can be. But with the Flash sale you can pick it up for well below WHOLESALE for just $799.99 until midnight Valentines – a HUGE saving of over $400 of our already discounted pricing and $700 off the usual MSRP!
To the high end Kawanakajima, the next Feb Flash sale item is Dragon King’s most AFFORDABLE entry level blade – their differentially hardened 65 MN Spring Steel ‘Yanone’ Katana:

Sure, it might be made from a fairly simple (yet very robust) steel and the fittings are very basic by comparison, but with the flash sale price of $249.99 (marked down from $299.99, which was marked own already from the MSRP of $439) it’s Dragon King quality at the price of generic blades and well worth a closer look..