3 day flash closeout sale on 4 APOC items..

For the most part, I love the APOC series. I mean, designed by Angus Smith and covering so many unique and different blade styles that there is something to love for everyone. Especially when they are all so reasonably priced to begin with but the 9260 tempered steel can do, well, can do stuff like this:

However, there are four designs that no longer just ‘sit right’ with me. So I am making them available for one last time to anyone who they DO sit right with at the best closeout bargain sale price possible.


It’s kind of based on a cross between a Chinese Dao and a meat cleaver, but the cannibalistic connotation for this one is just a bit too much.. I get it, in hard times two legged meat is a tempting addition to the menu, but with a blade dedicated to this – it’s just a bit too gruesome and so we are discounting it down from $159 down to $99.95.

And next up, the axes – I added these as a bonus ages ago and never bothered to take them down, but while historical axes are great at SBG, I think tactical ones are just a tad too much..

So here’s the deals:

DOUBLE MUKK – Was $109.00


HUNDR HATCHET – Was $89.00

So enjoy these final deals while they remain, all will be removed from the store midnight.

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