When the zombies come – you have to be prepared. You need a small armament of suitable chopping, cutting and slicing blades, not just for yourself, but to supply anyone else nearby to increase your odds of survival (and for the less altrustic minded among you, to give the zombies another target!).
If you read our official guide to zombie swords over at the main site, you will know that the best close quarters weapon to use against zombies is a machete. But not just any old machete. You need something like, well, something like this..

The NEW Cold Steel Katana Machete
You can pick this tactical blade – and several other extremely suitable zombie dismembering blades at the front page of the SBG Sword Store. But if you order 3 or more, not only do you get free shipping in the USA – but you also get to choose one of four free bonus secondary sidearm knives..!

This offer applies to all past orders as well if you are a registered customer. One you update the cart with 3 or more of our Tactical Machetes, you will see a green box with a link to this page – where you can choose your bonus knife.

Then simply add the knife you want to the cart and it will show up with $0 next to it, it is as simple as that!
Have fun, and stay vigilant – Haloween is just around the corner, and if the zombies are just around the corner too, you will want something suitable close at hand..
Click here for the full details and selection