This brand new offshoot from Project X truly is an industry first..
Despite what some ebayers may claim, real Chinese forges do not sell direct to members of the public. While there are many sellers who claim to represent a forge in China, the reality is these sellers simply shop around at the big forges, getting the best that they can for their customers and passing it off as their own. Big forges only deal in large wholesale orders to distributors with minimum advertising quantities..
Until now..
Using the contacts we established over the years, and having gained a measure of confidence in who we are and what we are about with Project X, the Mastersmiths and owner of the largest and most respected forge in Longquan – they decided to make an exception…
Here is how it works..
The forge has allowed us limited access to a carefully picked selection of their premium grade swords that, because of how much they cost to import and because they are not “standard” heavily in demand swords like Katana or Longswords, have never been widely available before except in imitation form on ebay and Alibaba, etc (there is a budget, mid range and high end mastersmith version of these swords – be careful of sellers who try to substitute the budget or mid range for the high end stuff!).
These truly are stunningly beautiful pieces. To start, we were permitted four models: the first one, the Proto-Chokuto/Tangdao, is a rare blade style seen in both ancient China and Japan – the Katana’s great grandfather as it were with its single edged, chisel tip blade – clay tempered with real hamon and full rayskin wrapped handle.

Forge Direct Proto Chokuto Tangdao
The second is a blade fit for an Emperor – an ornately decorated two handed Qin Jian based on swords in use over 2000 years ago. But while the fittings are blinged out to the max – have a close look at that blade: differentially hardened with two hamon (one on each edge), folded 1095 carbon steel – and you know it not only looks good, it cuts with the best of them…

Forge Direct Early Imperial Two Handed Qin Jian
The Kiangxi Dao is one of my favorites simply because it is so unique, powerful and FUN.. With some serious presence, the beefy blade is folded, differentially hardened and beautifully polished (I am getting one of these for my own collection).

Forge Direct Kangxi Horsebane Dao
And last but not least, a true warriors piece. The Shu Jian..
I mean seriously, just look at this thing.. Once again, mastersmith forged with a folded, differentially hardened double edge – another that I desperately want for myself..!

Forge Direct Damascus Warrior Shu Jian
Anyway, as you can see – these are some unique and rare swords – and unlike Project X, Forge Direct has no production limit – each sword is made to order and shipped to you anywhere in the world for FREE direct from the forge via EMS (please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery)..
The only catch is, each of these models will only be available for a limited time period before a new offering is rotated in. So if you see a design you like, you had better secure it while you can as once we rotate a product out of the selection, there is no guarantee it will be available again..