Thanks all!

Hi All,

Thanks to everyone who participated and snapped up a bargain for themselves over this weekend – it was a lot of fun. 🙂

We don’t have sales very often – indeed, we simply can’t! To be able to run sales like this more often – we would have to be cheeky like some other sellers and RAISE our prices to DISCOUNT them, which does’nt make as much sense to me as having everyday low prices, right!?

But yes every now and again we need to move some extra stock – and the best ways to find out what, why and for how much? THIS blog or this store newsletter!

Hope you had a great weekend and talk again soon!

– Paul

New Products

After the recent two major product launches, the SBG sword store seems to be entering a new period of expansion with not 2 but 9 new products entering the line up.

It is a slow process because we never add products lightly. There are hundreds of swords we could list for sale in theory, but each one must pass a simple test and answer one simple question as the primary junk catching filter:

“Would I buy THIS sword at THIS, my best price, from the store?”

Hundreds of swords get left by the wayside at the outset. If I umm and arr and think “maybe” – it gets rejected.

Only when I think “Yup, I would grab that one in a heartbeat” does a potential product stand a chance.. It needs to be 100%..

Anyway, now that you have a little insight into HOW we select new swords for sale, let us take a product by product, post by post, look at WHAT new swords are available!

– Paul

Welcome to the new look SBG Sword Store blog!

First off, as the title of this post suggests, welcome to the new look SBG Sword Store blog!

Of course, it is not just the appearance of the blog that is different. Indeed, as anyone who has been a regular SBG site and store visitor could tell you, since March the site, store and now the blog have all changed their basic apperance!

But as with the other changes, they were more than skin deep – having added new functionality for the future by migrating the blog from blogger (which served us well for many a year and which I can highly recommend) to our own hosted wordpress blog.

You will see exactly how this will transform and I hope make the sword store blog even more useful and interesting over the coming weeks and months.

But in the meantime, stay tuned – another reason for transferring to our own, more robust platform is because we plan on posting a lot more often than we did with blogger. And as we have not posted for a while, and we are about to release TWO new SBG exclusive products witin the next 2 weeks as well as many other exciting developments coming to a head, we have a lot of news to share…!

Talk to you all again soon, and thanks for bearing with us while we remodelled the site and the store. What you see now is pretty much what we plan to be using, and while there are still a few more tweaks here and there, the foundation is solid – no major disorentating changes from now, I promise!

– Paul

Dont worry if the store looks different today and over the weekend..

Hi guys,

I am too busy doing the actual work to blog about whats been done to date (anyone paying attention may notice it looks, feels and handles a tad more modern (oxymoron – not you, my terminology – heck and me! Who collects swords in 2014?

Well, I have run this store since 2007 – and now we are investing for 2014 and beyond. Check the site in your tablet, ipad, iphone, android, robot or that thing that used to be attached to the keyboard.. (which I have been more or less non stop for the last few days) – so forgive me if things on the outside keep changing in the wee hours.

Unless we switch payment options off in the wee hours US Easter standard time, the system remains secure and running safely 100% of the time..!

Sorry for an unfamiliarity, I think it should be worth bearing with me in short term.

Will update with more info after a bit of a rest. Apologies if any emails directed at me take until Mon evening before I can personally reply – its actually a bit of a messy backlog due to the need to focus o the store so much, but after a break and some tweaking the store over the weeked, I will do my best to focus on amy emails for me that have build up by Monday night at the latest.. (sorry, its worth it I think!)..

– Paul