New Products

After the recent two major product launches, the SBG sword store seems to be entering a new period of expansion with not 2 but 9 new products entering the line up.

It is a slow process because we never add products lightly. There are hundreds of swords we could list for sale in theory, but each one must pass a simple test and answer one simple question as the primary junk catching filter:

“Would I buy THIS sword at THIS, my best price, from the store?”

Hundreds of swords get left by the wayside at the outset. If I umm and arr and think “maybe” – it gets rejected.

Only when I think “Yup, I would grab that one in a heartbeat” does a potential product stand a chance.. It needs to be 100%..

Anyway, now that you have a little insight into HOW we select new swords for sale, let us take a product by product, post by post, look at WHAT new swords are available!

– Paul

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