Custom Katana Update…

What a long, hard road it has been – but finally some light at the end of the tunnel..

Batches 34 is basically shipped except for a handful of swords that we are tracking down now and batch 35 was recently completed, leaving only batch 36 which was originally supposed to come in October 15th but due to the running delays at the forge starting from batch 32 onwards, are about 2 months behind like everything else..

The good news is that under normal circumstances we would be nearly in a position to start taking new orders again, but with the forges Chinese New Year shutdown looming for February, it would almost certainly run into yet ANOTHER delay, which would not be a good start for a relaunch..

So even though it will mean a period of 8 months where no new orders will be taken, we think it is best to clear the slate, take a rest – and start anew, taking orders for batch 37 in February while the forge is closed down for the New Year celebrations..

Apologies to everyone either waiting on an order or waiting for us to re-open new commissions, we really have done our best and it is the nature of any custom made product that at times there will be unavoidable delays. Even though the amount of work, stress and cost involved is quite phenomenal – I take pride in knowing we are providing a unique service with an unheard of level of quality at this price point and feel that we owe it to the community not to give up – as tempting at times as it may be..

Will update you all again soon, in the meantime for the latest batch information please check the custom katana batch status page here

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