New Look and Feel..!

I really hadn’t meant to do as much editing to the stores look and feel today, but as I have been messing around with new templates for the SBG Sword Forum trying to make sure that SBG has a recognizable theme across the main site, forum, sword store and sword blog (and the sister site, though there is of course more leeway there) I ended up doing a bit more than I had intended too – overauling both the store and the blog all in one go..! Phew, what a day..!

Anyway, I can’t say whether or not I have achieved a truly uniform “seamless look” across all the relevant sites, but it is close enough I think not for people to wonder “is this part of the same site? Where the heck am I now!” and to try and make navigating from one place to another a little easier and more intuitive..

Hope you like it!


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