And not only that, in some cases they are CHEAPER now than before as I had mixed up a couple of prices. All are still made the same way, and all have 65mn Spring steel. Dao are back, and it’s the most significantly marked down sword:

Was nearly $300, now $196.99!
Or how about $138 for this Willow Leaf Dao?

The YONG LO sword is also back, the blade alone is worth the modest $150 price tag, but this one is a beauty..

And if you like a gentleman’s classic Jian, the two handed Tang Dynasty Jian for $169.99!
And the Chanbara sparring sets are back too!
These are incredible fun – they don’t hurt when you get hit (well, stings sometimes a little, but no special gear is really needed) and $30 for a set of 2, my kids and I love playing around with these. Available in Black, Red and Blue (sorry, no mixing and matching I am afraid).

And then there’s the stuff we haven’t had time to list yet.. You guys are in for a treat. But for now, the Cool Accessories section is bursting at the seams so see what treasures you can find there: