Even though we do not stock our swords at a big central location, we always do our best to ensure that the items we offer from our major sword suppliers have clearly marked and up to date stock statuses.
Well, we just finished another ‘stock-take’ and are really pleased to see some rarely available swords for sale by Cas Iberia and Hanwei – some of which have literally not been seen in many a year – and yet are still available at 2010 prices..!
So many Bastards..
During our stocktake we found that our distributor for Hanwei – Cas Iberia – had snuck in some true classics from their medieval lines – including three popular bastards (swords that is) that are a must have for any serious medieval sword enthusiast.

Check them all out in the Hanwei Medieval Sword Section HERE
For the Quick..
If you are quick, the usually almost always backordered fully functional Lord of the Rings Replica of the Ranger Sword is currently in stock at Darksword – but the way they sell, it may only be there for another day or two.