With the march madness sales mostly over (though there are still a few closeouts from March in the HOT SPECIALS section still running) the April Sale has started on a few selected items you would be an April Fool to let pass you by if you sat on the sidelines of last months sales bonanza..
First one is the Knights sword Type XVIII by Kingston Arms, which is usually $349.99 but is on sale all April and while stocks last for just $279.99 which is always a steal for this particular historically inspired classic arming sword:

And for lovers of Japanese blades, what could be better than the Kohaku Katana by Dragon King?

Last time it was on sale was pre-pandemic 2019 – but once again this classic T10 tool steel blade is marked down from our everyday low sale price of $629.99 (MSRP on this baby is $949) to a below wholesale cost price of just $520..
Truly a bargain to basically pick up a $1000 Katana for half price.. I mean, just look at that hamon and boshi…

And to round things out nicely, a couple of the items from the APOC March Super Sale have gone back on 15% discount, so we are passing the savings directly to you as always. Here are the two blades that are on special until the end of the month:

The Double Muk Hatchet, normally $84.95 (MSRP $109) save 15%

Last Chance on the Last Chance Bowie Knife – normally $74.95 (MSRP $95) save 15%
Hope you find something of interest.