Tameshigiri Series – New Model, and now with names..!


The 5th model in the acclaimed, cut atoms level sharp Swordier and SBG Tameshigiri series just introduced its second SBG exclusive member of the family (and added a cool option to ‘model 1’ (the Kazekiri, artist formely known as Model 1, heh).

It’s the same style of blade as the Flagship – Monotempered 65 Spring Steel, but with all black fittings and by popular request no hamon by default. But NOW you can choose if you want a fake hamon or prefer a plain blade. Both have this option now, no charge extra charge either way of course!

So now that each sword has a proper name, let’s meet them, starting with the cutter formerly known as model 1..

空の切り – Sora no Kiri – “The Void Cutter” (model 1a)

It’s black, it cuts the void itself, what other name could it have? Monotempered 65mn Spring Steel.

Quick Video with cutting and general close look by Alex by Swordier

The Choice of Whether or not to have or not to have fake or no hamon is also available on model 1 too, the Kazekiri..

風斬り Kazekiri – ‘Air cutter’ (model 1)

Previously Model 1, the flagship the started it all off! We call it the KazeKiri because the sensation of cutting the target and cutting the air is often about the same.. It’s a weird sensation as it just sails through the targets frighteningly too easily.. Monotempered 65mn Spring Steel.

嵐刃 Arashijin – ‘Sword of Storms’ (model 2)

The theme is Raijin, god of storms and thunder. But rather than another ‘Raijin something something’ sword, we decided to go with the theme of what this fierce deity and blade represent. Monotempered 5160 Spring Steel, leather ito.

虎斬り Toragiri – Tiger Cutter (Model 3)

Who is hunting who here? The Samurai or the Tiger? If the Toragiri gets the first strike when it comes down to it, it’s game over for the tiger! But if the Tiger ambuses the samrai and his Haragei senses are off, no sword in the world will save him.. Differentially Hardened Suguha hamon (beautifully executed).

嵐波龍 Arashinami Ryu – Storm Wave Dragon (Model 4)

This was a hard one to name. You have Mt Fuji above a stormy sea, a Golden Dragon raging in the skies, a wild Choji hamon (real) and a tiger taking shelter in a bamboo grove. Thus, the Arashinami Ryu.

Black Dragon Forge: New GLAMDRING

It’s no secret that I am a sucker for fully functional fantasy swords. Some of the best makers in the world, past and present, have felt the same way with bespoke and unique creations (our list of custom sword making legends is here) – but most of us can only dream of owning something that high end, or even the official Albion swords like the Albion Atlantean are nearly $4K with no scabbard..

This is why since 2017 with our now defunct (but kind of reviving) Legendary Swords series was all about. Fantasy swords that work in the real world and have SO much more presence when displayed than the official stainless steel blade..

Of course, you have to be careful walking the legal line – fans want a real and well made, affordable replica, and if the official ones are crappy, too expensive or are just ‘off’ it’s fair to make a handful of what the true fans dream of.. And we make just enough adjustments so it is not an EXACT copy, but you’ll know what it is.

Currently both the Black Dragon Forge and Swordier and involved making battle ready fantasy designs for us, and they just finished their latest addition, the ‘Elf-wood’ style Glamdring inspired more from the books than the films..

The fittings are low maintenance stainless steel, the wood – all premium rosewood, the blade folded 1095 carbon steel and very, very functional..

It’s available with FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING for just $474.99 HERE

Check out the Black Dragon Fantasy Swords to date, it’s getting impressive and not restricted to one genre/book/storyline.

  • Glamdring
  • ELITE Atlantean Sword
  • ELITE Folded Atlantean Sword
  • Assassins Creed Sword of Altair
  • The Cimmerian Sword
  • The Azure Flame
  • Sword of the Ancients

Dum, dum, dum, dum..!

No, it’s not a drum roll – it’s the quiet sound of an idiot listing the wrong swords to the wrong pages and deals.

Originally the idea was to offer a crazy $299 deal on the Dragon King Seasonal series until Valentines day (because let’s be honest, unless it’s a flower sword, it probably won’t sell well).

I was surprised they were not selling well when most everything else was – and so after royally stuffing it up, the deal gets extended until the end of the month..

As Kano from the Mortal remake would say in his strong Aussie accent “f**k’n oops!”

Sorry guys! Too busy getting ready for what’s coming NEXT…! Seriously, this year is just warming up..

Ryujin’s Budget Battle Ready Chinese Line Restocked!

And not only that, in some cases they are CHEAPER now than before as I had mixed up a couple of prices. All are still made the same way, and all have 65mn Spring steel. Dao are back, and it’s the most significantly marked down sword:

Was nearly $300, now $196.99!

Or how about $138 for this Willow Leaf Dao?

The YONG LO sword is also back, the blade alone is worth the modest $150 price tag, but this one is a beauty..

And if you like a gentleman’s classic Jian, the two handed Tang Dynasty Jian for $169.99!

And the Chanbara sparring sets are back too!

These are incredible fun – they don’t hurt when you get hit (well, stings sometimes a little, but no special gear is really needed) and $30 for a set of 2, my kids and I love playing around with these. Available in Black, Red and Blue (sorry, no mixing and matching I am afraid).

And then there’s the stuff we haven’t had time to list yet.. You guys are in for a treat. But for now, the Cool Accessories section is bursting at the seams so see what treasures you can find there: