Time Sensitive special sales, discounts and promotions – some of which are exclusive flash sales just for readers of the blog. It pays to be in the know..!
This one is a fantastic buying opportunity with a distinctive seasonal Halloween flavor.. (though with its razor sharp edge, its not really a good one for trick or treating!) – and I am talking of course about the sinister looking ‘Shi’ Katana by the artisans at Dragon King..
This unique original design has a skull themed motif throughout – but unlike most swords with themes like this one – it is no wallhanger, this is a fully functional top quality T10 tool steel blade with truly beautiful hamon and all black complimentary fittings..
Here is a quick picture of the hamon at the kissaki – as you can see it has geometric yokote and is really nicely polished to bring out the rich contrast..
And here is a picture of the infamous tsuba that gives it such a distinctive look..
The black on black design is complimented with silver accents – silver habaki, silver triple skull themed menuki, even a silver tooth on the skull!
And the best part is the price – normally around $830-970 – from now until Halloween you can pick this baby up for just $499.99 with FREE SHIPPING!
From now until the 22nd of October, we have a couple of heavily discounted swords from Hanwei and Dragon King that bargain hunters may be particularly interested in.
The first is the Dragon King Warhorse Katana – a stunning T10 tool steel blade with real hamon that is normally sold from between $450 to $540. The price of this sword reflects the high standard of work done with the steel, below you can see a close up of the hamon showing just how smooth the polish and overall finish is of this piece.
It also comes with a unique silver habaki, menuki and seppa instead of the usual brass, and is completed with iron fittings in a traditional Samurai and Warhorse theme, real rayskin and emerald cotton ito wrap.
At $299.99 with FREE SHIPPING in the USA, this is an absolute steal – and with this discount – offers more value for money than any other sub $300 Katana currently on the market as it is NOT a sub $300 Katana..!
The second sword is a MUST have for fans of hard core medieval swords, and lovers of BIG swords in particular.
I am talking about what is quite possibly the LARGEST production sword currently on the market, the massive LOWLANDER Sword..
Pictures rarely give you an indication of exactly just how BIG this sword really is.. But here is a photo taken of SBG member Fatecaller (who is well over 6′ tall himself) holding the standard version of this blade..
Yeah, it is really THAT BIG..
Now normally you would expect to pay a small fortune for so much steel, and most sword sellers will charge you an arm and a leg for shipping (because as expected, it is not only heavy, but it is so long it needs a special oversized box) but you can get it for our flat shipping rate of just $15.
Truly a beast of a sword – the usual retail price on this bad boy is $440 plus $40-$60 shipping, but from now until the 22nd of October you can pick it up for a mere $249.99 plus $15 shipping..
Right now, there is a bit of turmoil for the forges that make traditional Chinese swords for our Forge Direct Project.
Earlier this month, there was a big shakeup of the domestic industry over there. 90% of the time swords made by our Master Smith are for domestic Chinese customers, usually wealthy business owners, who want a Longquan sword for personal and cultural reasons. But this month, the Chinese government effectively hamstrung the traditional Chinese sword market by banning transporting swords domestically in the mail and via any couriers…
It will not be until the end of October before the effects of this are truly known and understood by the traditional Chinese sword making community over there. And indeed, discouraged, our own Master Smith who makes the Forge Direct Chinese line for us has decided to take his annual holidays from now until October – meaning that any orders placed now will not be fulfilled until early to mid December..
This puts us in a bit of a tricky situation – and the easiest solution is to temporarily remove all Forge Direct Chinese Swords from our store until he gets back to the forge. But instead, we made him an offer – if we can work together to provide a massive discount on the Forge Direct Chinese line to make up for the extended wait period and give him a nice boost of orders for when he comes back, well – it would be a win-win for everyone..
So here is the offer – 25% off the entire Forge Direct Chinese line until the 10th of October, after which we will temporarily put a hold on all new orders for Forge Direct Chinese until the effects of this domestic shipping ban are fully understood.
Because the future of this part of the sword market is now very uncertain, we STRONGLY recommend that if you have ever had an interest in historical Chinese swords – NOW is the time to secure one.. How long a forge can survive when 90% of its business has been stripped away overnight is very much in question.. And while I do not have a crystal ball and am not saying that this will be the last time we will ever be able to offer these swords, that future is a distinct possibility..
As stated, the only downside is that work will not commence until the forge re-opens in late October. But the upside is the huge 25% discount – and the possibility that after this promotion – we may not actually be able to offer these swords again.. (like I said, this is not 100% – but it is very possible that if the forge is forced to change direction and make swords purely for export – Chinese swords like these will become almost impossible to procure)…
There probably isn’t much point making a lengthy post about them here as there is only one of each available and I have priced them BELOW COST for a quick sale to get back the money invested in them to date..
So without any fanfare or further ado, the first of the scratch and dent items is a custom pommel version of the $1,000 Haiyantang Zodiac Jian.
A truly stunning beast of a blade with master smith folded 1095 carbon steel, double fullered blade with central ridge-line and top quality brass fittings – it was let down when the polisher must have got distracted and missed a small section of the tip..
Anyone with basic sword sharpening skills should be able to fix this up pretty easily – and for this blemish, we are offering a whopping 30% discount, plus FREE WORLDWIDE SHIPPING..
And the second one is not even a scratch and dent item at all, but was returned because the customer got confused about how to assemble the accompanying steel pole – and by the time we figured out it was just a case of trying the other way to attach it, it had already been returned and refunded. So here it is ready for a quick sale with a 25% discount and is now just $525, saving you $175 and no 4-6 week waiting time..
Both of these items are listed here in the Hot Specials Section – but at these prices will not be there for long. And while you are there, now is the last 48 hours of the Forge Direct Prototype recreation sale – and once finished, they will not be coming back – so plenty of great specials right now, but one way or another, all will be gone within the next 48 hours..
Following hot on the heels of our Ryujin Custom Katana special offer, is the cream of the crop – our Master Smith Forged blades by Forge Direct..
The premise behind this special offer is simple – we are offering HUGE DISCOUNTS on recreations of the original prototypes I designed to test out what the Forge was capable of..
The Swords you see in the review are EXACTLY what you can get with this special price offer – optimally balanced and capable of truly amazing cutting performance on a wide variety of targets at both ends of the spectrum..
Now while the designs are optimized and the themes were pretty carefully thought out – both prototype recreations come with one custom option.
For the sinister looking Prototype 1 Katana, you can opt to leave it as is with the default tsuba or change to one of 4 other designs that I feel allow the option to personalize it a little, but do not hijack the theme or overall feel of this sword.
For the massive O-Katana (which, if you read the review, you will learn is nowhere near as cumbersome as it looks) – you can opt to get the original brown with gold leaf decorated saya or one of 6 other saya designs that work well with the existing color scheme.
Based on normal industry pricing, to recreate these swords would cost $1,549 for the O-Katana and $1,400 for the Katana – but as you know, the everyday sale price is $999.99 and $899,99 respectively – and this is exactly what it would normally cost to have these prototypes remade, as they were both made using listed custom options for both of these designs.
But because sales are slow this time of year, and we can lower prices at the forge by standardizing the production, we are cutting our profits to the absolute lowest price they can go and offer the swords for just $699.99 for the Katana and $849.99 for the O-Katana.
Here they are in all their glory:
Prototype 1 Normally $899.99 special price now $699.99
Prototype 2 The OKatana, normally $999.99 but on special for $849.99
And don’t forget, these discounted prices include:
The only catch is that we can only offer these swords until the 14th of September, after which time the deal needs to be called off in preparation for Christmas orders – so if you love fully functional and traditional style Katana, you really should check this deal out..