Ryujin Sale Ending, Scorpion Swords Tactical Katana available again (for a limited time)

Just a quick heads up that the special 10% discount on Ryujin Swords is about to end midnight Sunday the 26th of March as the certificates are arriving on Friday and there will be only the slightest delay in shipping now, so it is a great time to take advantage of this special discounted deal..

The coupon code to use is: RYUJIN10

Additionally, the first dozen Scorpion Swords Tactical Katana have gone out this week. As such, we can finally take another dozen orders or so before we will need to close off new orders for a few weeks again to ensure we don’t bite off more than Chris can actually make in a reasonable time frame and to his very high quality standards..

Click here to order yours

LOTS more being planned over the next couple of weeks which will make up for the lack of posts in the middle of the month. So talk to you all again soon!

Ryujin Certificate Hiccup (our mistake is your chance to save)..

While we have plenty of blades and components for the Ryujin Custom Katana series, the certificates included with each sword have temporarily run dry – causing a bit of a bottleneck situation where we cannot actually ship anything (as Ryujin is responsible for every sword that they put their name on – and each certificate has a unique code)..

So rather than stop taking orders entirely, you can get a 10% discount if you are willing to wait around 7-10 days for the new certificates to come in..

To get the discount, simply enter the coupon code RYUJIN10 (or click the link to automatically add it to your shopping cart) and it will be applied to any and all Ryujin Custom Swords in your order.

So while there will be a delay, don’t hold off on this one yourself if you want to pick up a genuine Ryujin Custom Katana from SBG at the best possible price. This offer may be pulled at any time if the certificates come in early and is only valid when the coupon is used at the time of purchase (we cannot refund payments that miss this prominent announcement)..

Click here for our Range of Ryujin Swords at the SBG Sword Store

$70 OFF Two Top Quality Katana..

From now until the 12th of March, and only while stocks last – you can pick up two top quality Katana for $70 off our everyday, already heavily discounted prices…

The first sword is the crazy sharp, XL blade profile Katana by Paul Chen and the Hanwei Forge with Musashi Style Iron Tsuba and leather ito handle wrap..

Click here for more information

The blade is differentially hardened 1566 Carbon Steel with an especially steep blade profile, allowing it to cut tatami mats, bamboo and water filled bottles like a hot knife through butter..

The Unique Blade Profile of the XL blade..

The other sword with a $70 discount (and FREE SHIPPING to boot) is the ultra durable 5160 Spring Steel Summer Lotus Katana by Dragon King..

Click here for more information

With a level of attention to details that exceeds any other production sword on the market, this sword really is the complete package.

So if you love Katana and love a special offer, simply choose what type of blade you prefer. If you like crazy sharp blades – go the Musashi. If you prefer extreme durability (still with a VERY keen edge), then the Summer Lotus is for you! You can’t have it all in the one blade, but you can have one blade that focuses on one of the ends of the spectrum perfectly with this special offer..

Offer Ends March 12th and while stocks last..

Forge Direct Sale Extension – 3 more days

Just a quick note that due to several emails from people who wanted to get in on the Forge Direct Special Offer of 20% off the Forge Direct Chinese line but who needed a little extra time to organize their finances to do so, we have been able to secure an extension on this deal until Saturday January the 21st (midnight EST).

At the stroke of midnight, this deal will turn into a pumpkin – so if you needed a little extra time, now is your LAST chance to secure one of these fantastic swords at a huge 20% off discount.

Forge Direct Chinese

New Lower Pricing on Kingston Arms Medieval Swords!

In another New Years special – we have lowered the prices on the 3 medieval swords from Kingston Arms.

First up, the Crecy Arming Sword – a cutting blade with a rare hollowground blade design that sells for $499.99 at Cas Iberia and we previously listed for $409.99 is now 10% cheaper at just $369.99 and still includes FREE SHIPPING (which is very hard to do these days, as the vast majority cost around $40-80 to ship via Fed Ex..)..

The other two swords are steel on steel sparring blades – made from 9260 Spring Steel so are about as tough as you can get, and have super tough, innovative hilt construction..

Crecy War Sword - Sharp by Kingston Arms

Crecy War Sword – Sharp by Kingston Arms

The price at Cas Iberia is $299.99 and we previously sold them for $249.99 (again, with free shipping) but now have lowered them by over 10% to just $229.99 (and as before, still offer free shipping)..

Tourney Arming Sword by Kingston Arms

Tourney Arming Sword by Kingston Arms

Tourney Viking Sword - Blunt by Kingston Arms

Tourney Viking Sword – Blunt by Kingston Arms

Pretty cool right – check them out here

Sorry, USA orders only.