First off, I posted earlier on Facebook the very sad news that the father of Blade Culture International Mr. Fernando De Guzman Snr passed away Sunday morning at 4am local time.

Fernando with his son
I had the honor of meeting the man personally, and he was a quiet, humble and hard working type. While he was not well known, his work is – think Kris Cutleries best work, because it HIS forge that made all their acclaimed early blades still in demand to this day and who now make under their own name, Kingdom of Arms and Legendary Swords.
The whole family were so kind and so welcoming. So it is with great regret that I advise of his passing and vow to ensure his legacy and BCI live on.
Ryujin Custom Line temporarily on hold

In other news, first one and now two workers at the Ryujin warehouse have contracted Covid-19 and so the warehouse no longer has enough staff to make the custom Katana series until several weeks later.
Neither of the workers are showing severe symptoms, but 2021 isn’t starting off so nicely and feels a lot like 2020 may go on for years..
We will keep you updated of the situation and wish the workers effected a speedy recovery. Take care out there everyone.