We have been ardent supporters of Darksword Armory since the beginning. Even though their earliest swords were ‘rustic’ at best and needed refinement, refinement and Darksword fit together like a hand and gauntlet.. And man, have we seen some amazing designs and tough, no-nonsense swords over the years..
There was one in particular I ALWAYS wanted to sell, but Darksword could never keep up with demand to be able to supply it themselves, never mind offer it somewhere else, and that was their Anduril replica.. So it is with absolute DELIGHT that I am proud to offer the most recent and true to the books version Darksword have ever made!

To say that they have taken this already fantastic sword to a never level is a total understatement. From the engraved and perfectly tempered 5160 blade to the fittings, I mean even the darned quillion looks good!

Now the new Anduril is a pretty darned act to follow. By DSA might just have pulled it off with two other Tolkein inspired fully functional masterpieces..

The Gurthag, a dark elven forged blade that brought great sorrow and slaughter might make the superstitious stay away from it with a 10′ pole, but for everyone else who loves I mean looking elf sword – it’s definitely one of the nicest ones out there!
And then finally, an Elven blade that makes sense to me personally – I often felt that Arming swords and Longswords don’t really suit the Elven fighting style, to be it’s either rapier or saber depending on when fighting on foot or on horseback. So High Elven King Ringil sword very much suits that latter vision.

Fans of battle ready Fantasy swords are really spoiled for choice with these three new swords. Check them out and more at our Darksword Armory page below for their full selection:
P.S. We are working to update all our pics of the Darksword images we have in our store over the coming days, weeks and (hopefully not) months.. The newer pics are the ones with brown backgrounds, any doubts – just ask!