Dont worry if the store looks different today and over the weekend..

Hi guys,

I am too busy doing the actual work to blog about whats been done to date (anyone paying attention may notice it looks, feels and handles a tad more modern (oxymoron – not you, my terminology – heck and me! Who collects swords in 2014?

Well, I have run this store since 2007 – and now we are investing for 2014 and beyond. Check the site in your tablet, ipad, iphone, android, robot or that thing that used to be attached to the keyboard.. (which I have been more or less non stop for the last few days) – so forgive me if things on the outside keep changing in the wee hours.

Unless we switch payment options off in the wee hours US Easter standard time, the system remains secure and running safely 100% of the time..!

Sorry for an unfamiliarity, I think it should be worth bearing with me in short term.

Will update with more info after a bit of a rest. Apologies if any emails directed at me take until Mon evening before I can personally reply – its actually a bit of a messy backlog due to the need to focus o the store so much, but after a break and some tweaking the store over the weeked, I will do my best to focus on amy emails for me that have build up by Monday night at the latest.. (sorry, its worth it I think!)..

– Paul

Beyond the point of no return on orders for batch 24 (and an insane offer!)

This is pretty crazy and to be honest we arent even close to breaking even on these – but we have a limited number of DELUXE MOTHER OF PEARL SAYA available in three styles:

A: Dragon
B: Bamboo
C: Birds

And each saya comes with Real Buffalo fittings as a secondary bonus. And to test the waters, the price is…? What? How much?

Click here to see the mother of pearl saya in our store

Check it out here, and if you would like try try a little taste of luxury at a token price point, well – here is your chance.



P.S. Only available on a 28″ blade and in the colors provided. No modifications are possible, what you see is what you get (and its pretty easy one the eye!)

Another Three Dojo Pro

We have just added another 3 new Dojo Pro models to the store – stunning and very popular new designs, check them out by clicking the links below:

Dojo Pro Model 19
Dojo Pro Model 20
Dojo Pro Model 21

P.S. You may have noticed some changes in the right hand column, now the new products page is only accessible from the blog and there is a quick exit link image back to the main store page while clicking the SBG logo on any of the blogs will take you to the MAIN site home page (not store, the informational section of the site and reason why we have a store in the first place!).

One batch closes, another one opens…

Yes, its official – we switched from batch 23 to batch 24 at midnight, so batch 23 is locked and off to the forge and orders for the rest of the month can be placed at a more leisurely pace.

More updates will be posted soon and customers from batch 23 will get their first official email update within the next few days. Was really quite exciting, talk to you all again shortly!

Batch 23 closes Midnight on Tuesday (EST)

Even though we are now batching them all year round, the timing of your order DOES make a difference..

Get it in nice and early in a batch and you can play around, make changes, etc – come in towards the end and the next day its off the forge – so the more you know about what stage we are up to, the clearer the whole thing is – which is good for everyone..!

Oh, and it also shifts the delivery date a bit. For example, if you get your order in before the Tuesday 4th deadline, you will be part of batch 23 and get your sword around the 5th of June. If you order on Wednesday – it will arrive in late July, though you will have plenty of time to make adjustments and tweaks..

So armed with this info you can choose which side of the batch you want to be in! Lock in now for June delivery or take it slow after Wednesday it is your choice..!

Speaking of choice, we have added some last minute additional tsubas and elite sets – quite a few actually. More on this shortly, but for now – time to start wrapping up this current batch!!!