Nearly time to close off

What a marathon..

I’ve just spent the last goodness knows how many hours making sure that each and every email enquiry for batch 18 has been personally answered, but as of this moment we are at 95% capacity for this batch so I’m afraid that there will be some people who weren’t able to move fast enough on this one..

I wish there was something that could be done, but to accept more orders than the forge can handle is not in anyones best interests, so if you want to get in on this batch NOW is definitely the last roll call..

Now all I want to know is if there is a place online that sells shockabsorbers for fingertips as I am all emailed out..! (ouch).

Blog again soon.

– Paul

The official GO signal!

Wow, what a weekend..

Even without the official launch, the response to our ‘unofficial’ opening has been nothing short of spectacular. I can clearly see the kind of pressure that builds up for these swords in between batches, and I must admit I always took a little bit excited when I start seeing people’s designs and corresponding with them about what they have in mind..

Anyway, the official launch is now underway – so please bear with me if you are waiting on an email response, I promise I am doing my best to stay on top of things, both with regards to enquiries to this batch, processing and confirming incoming orders and also coordinating the shipment of the previous batch (not to mention all the usual SBG stuff). So if you are waiting on something, rest assured a response is coming, it just might take a day or two longer than usual as I work through everything as systematically as possible.

Gotta go – I’ll be posting another update soon!

Click here to order

P.S. If you have been waiting to get an order in with this BATCH – NOW is definitely the time to do so. At this rate, we will be closing this batch off by the end of the week, so don’t miss out! Get your order in now..

Quick an unofficial update

Ok, just wanted to let people know where we are up to as the 18th has nearly been and gone and we haven’t given the official ‘go’ signal for batch 18..

First off, the previous batch (batch 17) has started being received by my agent in Canada and he is opening up the cartons and beginning the sorting and inspecting period over the weekend. People with batch 17 orders should be receiving an official update on this shortly, but right now I am having some kind of technical glitch and cannot log into the store to update the appropriate files which is a bit of a pain.

Unofficially though we have ‘taken the brakes off’ and we are NOW able to accept new custom Katana orders even though the official announcement has not gone out yet.

I am doing it this way to try to ensure there is not a massive rush and we end up closing off before people who have REALLY been waiting patiently for this (i.e. people reading this blog!) gets a fair chance to do so as they sell waaay to fast for their own good. So for those of you who just cant stand the waiting and anticipation any more and are dilligent enough to check this blog – well, you can get in as an early bird now (it DOESN’T effect how soon you will receive your sword by the way – they all get made as a single group remember. It just gets you a high prized place in the batch)..

To everyone who is waiting for a response via email, please bear with me – I’m answering them personally and my answers are rarely short ones.. I’ll get back to you as soon as humanly possible.

SBG Custom Katana

Thanks all,
– Paul

SBG Custom Katana: A quick and unofficial update…

Ok, just wanted to let people know where we are up to as the 18th has nearly been and gone and we haven’t given the official ‘go’ signal for batch 18..

First off, the previous batch (batch 17) has started being received by my agent in Canada and he is opening up the cartons and beginning the sorting and inspecting period over the weekend. People with batch 17 orders should be receiving an official update on this shortly, but right now I am having some kind of technical glitch and cannot log into the store to update the appropriate files which is a bit of a pain.

Unofficially though we have ‘taken the brakes off’ and we are NOW able to accept new custom Katana orders even though the official announcement has not gone out yet.

I am doing it this way to try to ensure there is not a massive rush and we end up closing off before people who have REALLY been waiting patiently for this (i.e. people reading this blog!) gets a fair chance to do so as they sell waaay to fast for their own good. So for those of you who just cant stand the waiting and anticipation any more and are dilligent enough to check this blog – well, you can get in as an early bird now (it DOESN’T effect how soon you will receive your sword by the way – they all get made as a single group remember. It just gets you a high prized place in the batch)..

To everyone who is waiting for a response via email, please bear with me – I’m answering them personally and my answers are rarely short ones.. I’ll get back to you as soon as humanly possible.

SBG Custom Katana

Thanks all,
– Paul

FAQ added

Just a very quick update – I’ve been going through and answering as many of the SBG emails and enquiries that have build up over the last couple of months and decided around halfway through, ‘why not write a FAQ here’..

So here it is – the SBG Custom Katana FAQ

Otherwise, everything is going fairly smoothly for both batch 17 (incoming) and batch 18 (about to start taking new orders on the 18th of November at this stage).

More updates soon!

– Paul