Hanwei Lowlander Sword – Overstock Sale

lowlander-overstockEvery lover of medieval swords should have one of these BEASTS in their collection..

IMG_4054-1And from now until the 10th of September, it has never been more affordable.

The MASSIVE Hanwei Lowlander Sword is on overstock sale – quite simply, Hanwei have too many of them and need to free up the cash flow.

So what better way to do that than to make them available to the community for just $239.99 (normally at least $300 – but up to $440 depending where you buy).

Here are a couple of pictures of the sword with some people who have purchased one previously to give you some idea of just how BIG this sword really is..

15nojljlowlander-3Click here to read a review on the SBG Sword Forum

Click here for more information