While the pen may be mightier than the sword, it was the spear that was the most common and effective battlefield weapon for millennia. Whether for hunting, war or self defense – in an open space it was almost impossible for a swordsman to close the gap while being turned into a human pin-cushion..
So to celebrate this mighty medieval weapon, until the end of August we have hot specials on not one but two classic Asian spears.
The first is the classic Yari – the Japanese spear. With a tip differentially hardened like a Katana (but on both sides of the blade) it was and still is an intimidating piece of armory – capable of keeping wild animals or wild humans at bay as the case may be..

And then there is the classic Tiger Boar Killing Spear by Forge Direct. With a Master Smith forged and folded dismountable 1095 carbon steel blade and steel pole decorated with hand carved Dragon decorations, it is both visually stunning and until the end of the month, available not for $749 but with a whopping 25% OFF bringing the price down to just $562 SHIPPED (which is no small feet, as these packages are quite long).

Grab these deals while you can – swords are a niche business, functional swords – a niche within a niche and spears (functional spears) as rare as hens teeth. So spice up your sword collection with one or both of these awesome battle ready recreations.