While the sword as a weapon on the battlefield experienced its last days during WWII in the hands of the Japanese (and earlier in WWI when it was still being used by horse mounted cavalry) tactical sword designs improve on and evolve ancient sword design concepts and bring them screaming into the 21st century.
With the strength, purity and quality of modern steel so much better than anything ever seen during the times when the sword was still a true weapon of war, Tactical sword designs may be a mere curiosity in the age of the gun, but they sure are fun!
So with that in mind, here are two new cool SBG exclusive Tactical Sword designs – the first, a companion to our popular Tactical Ko Katana – the Tactical Wakizashi..

With enough weight behind it to cut and a viciously sharp tip for piercing, its a very intimidating and utilitarian design – and when combined with and dual wielded with the Ko Katana Miyamoto Musashi style, truly quite terrifying..
As with all Scorpion Swords it is hand cut, ground and shaped from a 3/16″ thick plate of 1095 carbon steel to create a solid one piece construction with an extra thick beefy tang.

The second new Tactical sword is actually one of the oldest sword designs around – with variations of it used by the ancient Greeks, Spartans and Celts – the classic leaf blade.

Made first from bronze and later iron, this modern take on this ancient design is made almost indestructible with expertly tempered 1095 carbon steel and one piece tang construction just like all the others in the series.

The wide blade concentrates its force for devastating chops and cuts, while the tip is designed to pop and then open up a hideously large wound – and well balanced – its both fast and extremely intimidating.
Both Swords are available right at the top of the Scorpion Swords page Tactical Series Page HERE and considering that they are hand crafted in the USA and yet still under $300 represent exceptional value for money.