Just a quick update, the classic SBG Custom Katana – Batch 45 – is nearing completion at the forge. The original due date on these is sometime around this time next month which means that we are more or less on track for timely delivery as expected.
In the meantime, here’s a couple of pics of four of the swords in this batch

Talking about pictures, on a slightly different but related note, we just added some huge hi resolution pics of each of the very attractive themed sword furniture sets (Koshirae) for the limited re-release of Project X Japanese showing the tsuba’s from the front and the rear.
The pics are really quite big so you can click on them and zoom in accordingly. Here is an example of the first custom set in the series, the set we used for the Torakami Katana all those years ago..

You can see the line up here – spaces are indeed filling quite quickly so if you want to get in on these, time may not be on your side..