New Product: Hanwei Cromwell Mortuary Sword


Cromwell looking non plussed as usual. Courtesy Wikipedia Commons.

It is kind of ironic that they call this piece a Mortuary Sword as for a time it was “dead” (discontinued), then exclusively available here at CAS Iberia (for $510 mind you, take it or leave it) – and then, only very recently, made available to wholesaler and resellers again..

Thus, when we saw some of these incredibly ornate swords actually come in with the most recent CAS shipment of Hanwei swords – I HAD to bring them to the market for a reasonable price again..

So we turned back the clock and listed them for US$299.99 WITH FREE SHIPPING!

The original review that sparked my interest in this sword can be found on SBG here – and it spurred me to test and review a lesser variant that, again, was discontinued (but I believe may also be coming back soon into stock and general distribution) – the “Mortuary Hilt Sword” (click the link to read the review).

While initially not my cup of tea, after handling and trying these swords out I have become rather fond of them and happy to support something a bit different than the usual run of the mill longsword or Katana..

Here is a video of me messing around with Hanwei’s budget version:

The Cromwell really is the luxury upgrade model, I mean – that full rayskin handle wrap really makes it pop. Just stunning..

Cromwell Sword
Hanwei Cromwell Mortuary Sword


English Mortuary style sword. MSRP $545

May or may not return to production

Price: $377.95

Click here for more info


Not sure who Oliver Cromwell was? Monty Python sums it up nicely..


Well, they sum it up anyway..

New Products

After the recent two major product launches, the SBG sword store seems to be entering a new period of expansion with not 2 but 9 new products entering the line up.

It is a slow process because we never add products lightly. There are hundreds of swords we could list for sale in theory, but each one must pass a simple test and answer one simple question as the primary junk catching filter:

“Would I buy THIS sword at THIS, my best price, from the store?”

Hundreds of swords get left by the wayside at the outset. If I umm and arr and think “maybe” – it gets rejected.

Only when I think “Yup, I would grab that one in a heartbeat” does a potential product stand a chance.. It needs to be 100%..

Anyway, now that you have a little insight into HOW we select new swords for sale, let us take a product by product, post by post, look at WHAT new swords are available!

– Paul

Launch 2 of 2: The SBG Custom Katana LITE!


A Custom Katana LITE Prototype

From one end of the price spectrum to the other, the SBG Custom Katana returns to it’s roots with the Budget Model LITE series!

This is as, if not MORE revolutionary than Custom Katana 3.0 – a custom Katana available for just $229.99!!

So how do we get the price down so low?

Instead of T-10 tool steel (which is hard to work with, but produces a magnificent blade and hamon) we use basic clay tempered 1050 (which is easy to work with, but produces a lightweight munitions grade blade and hamon).

Instead of a high leve polish and geometric kissaki and bo-hi, we use the standard options everyone else does.

Instead of Iron or Work Hardened Elite Copper Sets, we settle with basic brass and alloy. And we also limit the total number of choices (56 iron/copper tsuba with 3.0, 36 brass/alloy with the lite).

And we make all the blades to one size (28″) tough with 3.0 you get to select 27, 28 or 29″ blades.

But despite these limitations, the end result is a decently made, quality assured custom sword suitable for light cutting duty – and what it loses in durability it makes up for in speed, even the solid bodied blade version handles super fast and weights only 2lbs 3oz! Go the bo-hi and good luck tracking the blade in movement!

Anyway, here’s one we made earlier 😉 Want to make the same thing? How about with black ito? Or a blood red saya? That’s te beauty of this project. YOU CAN!

Check the new options out here at the SBG Custom Katana Store Page – in the meantime, some very affordable, customizable eye candy for you all..


Custom Katana LITE in textured S11 Saya


The natural, UN-enhanced hamon


Fast, well balanced – and – well, LITE!


Click for more information


Launch 1 of 2: Project X The Dragon Dao!

It has been brewing away behind the scenes for months now – the next stunning heirloom quality sword by Project X Chinese, the ferocious Dragon Dao by Master Sword-smith Xiaolong.

While clearly it is not a low priced piece, it is available to pre-order at a MASSIVELY discounted price: the only other way to get this sword would be to travel to Longquan personally and pay the full price, so the total cost plus airtickets, accomodation etc required to obtain one could easily run into US$5,000plus..

So naturally enough, if you CAN swing it, these are quite an amazing investment – being made available at what is essentailly a WHOLESALE price..

But only if you are quick..

Project X - The Dragon Dao


Premium Quality, Master Smith Forged Limited Edition release. Dragon themed premium fittings with a beautifully polished blade with wicked one handed cutting power. Hand made by Master Michael Ye.

Limited edition now discontinued, no longer available to purchase.

Made to Order, Ships in 8-10 weeks.

Click here for more details

– Paul