Project X – in the blink of an eye..

All I can say is “wow” – the landed stock of the Project X Japanese swords arrived, and sold out – before I could even list them on the main site.. Only subscribers to the Project X mailing list actually got a shot at one, and even many of THOSE people who were waiting to pull the trigger on one of these swords were not fast enough..!

Yes, we should have ordered a few more – after all, it can be YEARS between offerings and a LOT of people ended up somewhat frustrated..

So here it is ONE LAST CHANCE to Pre-Order for 2015..

The swords ordered now will be shipped in by Airfreight in early December in time for Christmas – so if you are one of the lucky few reading this at the right time, well – now is your chance..!

4 Models available – Model #001 in Katana and Wakizashi configurations and the same with Model #003 – CHECK THEM OUT HERE!

Batch 32 pics..

Hi all,

As you know we had some SERIOUS delays with batches 32 and 33 of the SBG Custom Katana to the point where we had to stop taking new orders to try and catch up..

The bad news is, we are not yet back on track – indeed, batch 34 just became officially due a couple of days ago and is looking like it will also be several weeks late due to the pile up from the previous 2 batches..

Talk about stressful…!!

The good news is, batch 32 is about to come in – right now it is clearing customs. And a little more good news, the swords themselves are looking good. Below are some pics from the forge that were taken before it was dispatched..

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I realize it is annoying to batch 33 and 34 customers – but please bear with us guys. We will be shipping everything in order, so some additional delays are inevitable..

Thanks so much for your patience. I am REALLY looking forward to getting the custom Katana back on track and truly apologize for the extra time it is taking.

– Paul

The Last Kaneie…

Here they are – the very last Kaneie swords, so rare that they were never even listed before…

Two models – both with premium Kaneie fittings and T-10 tool steel, differentially hardened blades – one from the Okuden collection, which have a basic polish, and one from the Menkyo collection, with a full art polish..

The only catch apart from how few are actually available (7 in total) – some minor cosmetic flaws that set them apart as scratch and dents – so we have priced them to SELL at less than HALF price..! (much less, over 60% off!).

On the elite Menkyo Royal Blue Musashi Katana, the rayskin falls just short of full length, exposing a little wood as shown in the picture below:

Tiny gap in the rayskin near the handle..

Tiny gap in the rayskin near the handle..

They may also have some minor scratching on the saya:

Tiny scratch on the saya

Tiny scratch on the saya

The MSRP on this sword is $1,400 – the scratch and dent price, a crazy $599.99 with FREE SHIPPING.

The Okuden collection Tastumaki swords do not have any problems with the rayskin, however all of the sayas are slightly blemished and there may be a small spot of rust on the back of the blade (mune):

A tiny spot of rust may be present

A tiny spot of rust may be present


The actual swords

The actual swords

The Tatsumaki, MSRP $800 – the S&D price – an insane $329.99 with FREE SHIPPING!

Otherwise, the swords are in pristine condition and the discount for these defects really quite excessive.. However, we got them at a fantastic price, so why not pass it on for a lucky few..

There are only 7 swords in total available, and once they are gone – that’s it.

As such, best to grab them while you can..


Cold Steel Restock!

Cold_Steel_LogoAfter a few months with pretty low stock levels I am pleased to tell you all that the entire line of Cold Steel Swords we carry has been fully restocked and is ready to ship worldwide..!

They really do make some awesome heavy duty blades – and at our special SBG pricing, every item is an absolute STEAL.

Check out our full Cold Steel Line up here!

In the meantime, while it is somewhat graphic (cutting pig carcasses, zombie mock up things, etc) the following video “Apocalypse Proof” is certainly entertaining slice and dice action galore – and shows that these swords are clearly well made and able to stand up to some punishment.. (though, as always, do not try the more extreme tests at home!).

Project X Update – Pre-Orders Now Shipping

Just a quick update on Project X Japanese – The pre-orders for Kenshin and Kurobuke, models 1 and 3 respectively, are on their way out the door after being checked and inspected. Blade activity is very prominent in this generation, and so far we have found nothing but stunningly good quality specimens (the best Soshu Kitae outside of Japan quite possibly!) – so you guys who are getting tracking numbers at the moment, you sure are lucky..!

We will give it another week or so to allow all the pre-order customers to safely receive their swords before we offer the very last round of the best of what is left (and as I mentioned, it is ALL very nice – so far, no rejects or scratch and dents). So stay tuned, it is all a happening!

– Paul

P.S. Be sure to subscribe to the Project X Newsletter for additional time senstive information.

P.P.S. A sneak preview of a new secret Project X offshoot we are working on RIGHT NOW..


Stay tuned folks, it is going to be a lot of fun and a unique, never before seen experience (which is exactly what Project X is all about, right?).

– Paul