Hanwei Great Wave Katana – Below Wholesale Special Offer

It is one of the best selling, most popular high end swords in the Paul Chen Hanwei line up. But from now until the 2nd of July, you can pick up the AWESOME great wave Katana for BELOW WHOLESALE pricing at just $499,99..

Click here for more product info

Weighing 2lbs 10oz and with a point of balance 5″ from the tsuba, the Great Wave delivers incredibly powerful, authoritative cuts – the Great Wave is the complete package, suitable for display, backyard cutting or serious dojo applications – and can be yours at over 50% off the recommended retail price..

But only until the 2nd of July and while stocks last..

In the meantime, here are some pics taken from the SBG sword forum of the sword in question (click on the pics for a larger resolution picture).. For $960 it is good value for money. At $500 – an absolute steal..

Premium quality rayskin, ito wrap and iron fittings with Tomoe theme..

The demon menuki looks cool peeking out behind ultra tight ito wrap..

Stunning looking gold plated tomoe crest on the iron kashira

An of course, the differentially hardened T10 tool steel blade

Gotta love that rare ultra long ‘O-kissaki’ tip..

And a shot ‘under the hood’ – THIS is what a beefy full tang SHOULD look like..


Kingston Arms Tourney Arming Sword

The Kingston Arms Tourney Arming Sword is easily one of the toughest, most durable steel on steel sparring blunts ever made.

Made from expertly tempered monotempered 9260 Spring Steel and with the patented ‘King Peen’ system, the end result is a sword that rings like a bell when struck and can withstand striking pretty much anything you would care to put in front of it.

Normally just shy of $300 – from now until the 18th of June you can pick it up for a ridiculously low $189.99 – so if you are in the market for the ultimate beater and training sword, this has to be it!

Click for more info

Hanwei Swedish Powder Steel Tiger Elite Katana On Special!

Here is one for the bargain hunters who appreciate high end blades..

The stunning Tiger Elite Katana by Paul Chen’s Hanwei Forge:

While the tiger themed fittings (with real gold gilding) are stunning, it is the folded and differential hardened K120C Swedish Powder Steel blade that makes this sword such an impressive piece.. (for those of you who do not know, Swedish Powder Steel, also known as particle metallurgy steel, is one of the purest steels around – and this combined with Hanwei’s excellent heat treat, result in a sturdy yet extremely traditional blade)..

Here is a review from our SBG forums

The usual price on this baby is $1650, and we sell it at an everyday low price of $1,299.99.. But from now until the 4th of June you can pick it up for a BELOW WHOLESALE price of just $899.99 – truly a bargain for a sword of this overall quality (imported Japanese cotton ito, brass and gold fittings, top grade rayskin, and that amazingly sharp, pure and deadly blade)..

Click here to check it out in the hot specials section of our store

Two High End Katana – Also with a Whopping 25% Discount!

April is definitely turning out to be a good month for bargain hunters..! In addition to our current Mega Sale on the Forge Direct Chinese Line mentioned in the previous post, now thanks to the good people at Cas Iberia, we have the chance to offer you the same 25% discount on our ALREADY DISCOUNTED PRICES on two of their premium quality Katana.

The first is from Dragon King – the budget version of their T10 differentially hardened Katana line, the Hana Katana.

Normally $519 – our everyday special price is $429 with free shipping in the USA, but from now until the 3rd of May it is available for just $321 (and still has free shipping). Check out the pics to see how nicely the real hamon is done – this is easily one of the best T10 tool steel Katana on the market, and at this price is an absolute steal.

The other sword is by Hanwei – the amazing L6 Bainite Katana, the Oni..

The overall design of this sword alone makes it an excellent choice for anyone who loves high end Katana. But the real value of this sword is in the L6 Bainite Blade – along with S7 Shock Steel, L6 Bainite is about as close to indestructable as any steel ever made..

With a retail price of $1,800 – our usual low price saves you $600.. But with the 25% discount, you can pick it up for a record low price of just $899.99 – but like the Dragon King Sword, only until the 3rd of May..

Hanwei High End Daisho Sale…

When any sword collector in the know discusses high end swords, Paul Chens’ Hanwei Forge is one of the first brands mentioned..

So when a special deal like THIS one comes along, Japanese sword conouissers know they had better snap them up while they are available..

The first of the Daisho sets is the stunning Swedish Powder Steel Kaeru Katana and Wakizashi.

And the second is the T10 tool steel ‘Koi’ Katana and Wakizashi.

All of these stunning Katana and Wakizashi are available individually at BELOW WHOLESALE pricing until the end of April and while stocks last. But if you order both at the same time, in addition to the amazing discount on offer, you will also receive a FREE premium double sword stand by Dragon King, valued at $179.99 (click here to see this stand for sale at Cas Iberia!).

Check it all out HERE in the Hot Specials Section of our Store!