Hanwei Wearable Samurai Helmets Overstock Sale..!

This offer is valid until the end of March or until stock runs out and is for USA customers only..

These fully wearable, fully functional Samurai helmets (Kabuto) are the perfect accessory to display or compliment any collection of Japanese Katana and each one comes complete with its own display stand. All are based on actual museum originals and owned by famous Japanese Daimyo, Generals and Shogun..

Right now they are available at well below the usual WHOLESALE price and with just $15 shipping.

Makes an awesome gift for the sword collector who has everything. These truly are rock bottom prices and will never be repeated, so grab one of these while you still can..!

CLICK HERE for our full section of European and Asian Battle Ready Armor!

Buy Any Three Tactical Cold Steel Machete and Get a FREE Knife!

When the zombies come – you have to be prepared. You need a small armament of suitable chopping, cutting and slicing blades, not just for yourself, but to supply anyone else nearby to increase your odds of survival (and for the less altrustic minded among you, to give the zombies another target!).

If you read our official guide to zombie swords over at the main site, you will know that the best close quarters weapon to use against zombies is a machete. But not just any old machete. You need something like, well, something like this..

The NEW Cold Steel Katana Machete

The NEW Cold Steel Katana Machete

You can pick this tactical blade – and several other extremely suitable zombie dismembering blades at the front page of the SBG Sword Store. But if you order 3 or more, not only do you get free shipping in the USA – but you also get to choose one of four free bonus secondary sidearm knives..!


This offer applies to all past orders as well if you are a registered customer. One you update the cart with 3 or more of our Tactical Machetes, you will see a green box with a link to this page – where you can choose your bonus knife.


Then simply add the knife you want to the cart and it will show up with $0 next to it, it is as simple as that!

Have fun, and stay vigilant – Haloween is just around the corner, and if the zombies are just around the corner too, you will want something suitable close at hand..

Click here for the full details and selection

The Last Kaneie…

Here they are – the very last Kaneie swords, so rare that they were never even listed before…

Two models – both with premium Kaneie fittings and T-10 tool steel, differentially hardened blades – one from the Okuden collection, which have a basic polish, and one from the Menkyo collection, with a full art polish..

The only catch apart from how few are actually available (7 in total) – some minor cosmetic flaws that set them apart as scratch and dents – so we have priced them to SELL at less than HALF price..! (much less, over 60% off!).

On the elite Menkyo Royal Blue Musashi Katana, the rayskin falls just short of full length, exposing a little wood as shown in the picture below:

Tiny gap in the rayskin near the handle..

Tiny gap in the rayskin near the handle..

They may also have some minor scratching on the saya:

Tiny scratch on the saya

Tiny scratch on the saya

The MSRP on this sword is $1,400 – the scratch and dent price, a crazy $599.99 with FREE SHIPPING.

The Okuden collection Tastumaki swords do not have any problems with the rayskin, however all of the sayas are slightly blemished and there may be a small spot of rust on the back of the blade (mune):

A tiny spot of rust may be present

A tiny spot of rust may be present


The actual swords

The actual swords

The Tatsumaki, MSRP $800 – the S&D price – an insane $329.99 with FREE SHIPPING!

Otherwise, the swords are in pristine condition and the discount for these defects really quite excessive.. However, we got them at a fantastic price, so why not pass it on for a lucky few..

There are only 7 swords in total available, and once they are gone – that’s it.

As such, best to grab them while you can..


Kaneie Sword Final Liquidation Sale!


This truly is an amazing opportunity to Save hundreds of dollars and get your hands on a Kaneie Sword at unheard of prices for the last time…

Kaneie Sword is based out of Shanghai and specializes in high quality Katana made using imported Japanese fittings. The fit and finish on these swords is some of the best the industry has ever seen, and just today the main importer – Cas Iberia – ran into a major roadblock with the forge and decided not to carry them anymore. As they have been extremely hard to source until Cas Iberia started carrying them, this may well be your last chance to get them – and they are being sold at a price that they have never been offered at before…

Stock is strictly limited, so get what you can while you can..!

Click here to see their exclusive line up


Oops, they did it again… Raptor Katana Blowout Sale Round II!!

Raptor-sale-headingIt looks like the latest incoming batch of the Hanwei Forges’ Raptor Series Katana were on the ship before they had a chance to address the Quality control issue with the slightly short Rayskin..

This time, its EVERY model that has been effected – and this time, just like before, this unfortunate incident is your chance to save over $100 off our already heavily discounted price (from $220 to $260 off the MSRP!!).

So if you missed out last time, or even want to grab a matching Wakizashi or Tanto with the same issue with the same discount, well – now is your chance..!

I am pretty sure that this will be the LAST time they will be offered at this discount and the last time this minor defect will surface. So if you want a serious, heavy duty Japanese beater sword with a barely noticable defect – well, you know what to do..!

Here are the 6 swords in the series.

Check them all out and read more at our HOT SPECIALS page here

P.S. We also have fresh stock (literally came in 2 days ago) of the perfect Rayskin versions of the same sword. PLUS some of their most popular medieval swords from the Tinker line, the Claymore and the Rheinlander have been restocked as well – at new, even LOWER prices..!

Never been a better time to grab a bargain, that is for sure..