Paul Chen Golden Oriole Daisho Set Half Price Sale..! (Expired)

OrioleSALE EXPIRED 22nd May

The Golden Oriole Katana and Wakizashi are a Hanwei classic.. These were some of the first swords made from T10 tool steel, and with features such as iron, gold inlaid fittings, rich blue saya and imported Japanese cotton ito, they were – and remain – some of the classiest Dojo ready cutting swords currently on the market..

But from now until the 22nd of May you can pick BOTH the Katana and the Wakizashi for less than the cost the Katana itself typically sells for elsewhere – just $880 with FREE SHIPPING in the USA..

If you have ever wanted a top quality Paul Chen Daisho set, THIS is your “Golden” opportunity..


388942_329742907042669_539075567_nClick here for more information

Available While Stocks Last

Below Cost and Half Price Specials from Hanwei!

From now until the 24th of April we have two of Hanwei’s finest swords available at below wholesale prices..!

The first sword is the stunning Musashi XL Light Katana, with a unique blade profile designed specifically for fast cuts against tatami mats and other light targets in a dojo setting.

Here you can see a picture of the blade profile, very deep and razor sharp with bo-hi to make it extra fast and provide a loud tachi kaze (sword wind sound) when it swishes through the air.

sh6003lgf_3Add to this attractive leather ito wrap over real rayskin, iron Musashi themed fittings and high end Hanwei quality, this sword usually retails for a MSRP of $950 but its available at less than half price while our sale lasts.

And for medieval sword enthusiasts, we have the 5160 Spring Steel Rhinelander Bastard Sword.

This awesome cutting sword has been out of stock for many months, but Hanwei accidentally over-ordered and this is brand new, just landed stock available at below wholesale pricing for the lucky few quick enough to grab one.

sh2454_4Get these deals while you can – the deal lasts until April 24th or until sold out, so don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Click here to see these swords in our Hot Specials Page Here


Forge Direct Mega Sale – It ALL Ends For Good April 10th 2016..


It’s funny how quickly things can change when you are dealing with proud types like Master Smiths..

They have argued from day one that our prices on these swords were too low.. But we wanted to be able to offer these swords to people who otherwise could not afford the full retail price or the trip to the forge in Longquan to buy them directly..

I am not sure which sword did it (though I can guess) but they found our low markup devalues their work, and just a few hours ago I was told in no uncertain terms that we have until April the 10th to wind up the Project once and for all..

It is a shame it came to this.. I should have known as I saw it happen years ago with Chris Zhou and Musashi Swords. The Master Smiths are proud people, and even prouder when it comes to swords that are symbols of their lineage and heritage..

They have been gentlemen about it, make no mistake. Our conversation on this line was civil and polite. But the end result was that from April the 10th the main smiths we work with on Forge Direct will no longer accept new orders from us..

It does not mean that the entire project will end. Two of the Swords are actually a new collaboration with Master Xianlong who made the original Jian of Marquis and the Dragon Dao for Project X and he is still willing to work with us and we will expand on the two designs he currently has agreed to make for us. But the vast majority of the designs we have offered from the beginning will be off the table starting the 10th of April..

So Here is the Deal

The Smiths have agreed to one FINAL run. And they have also offered us a price amnesty, as we were able to argue that at such short notice, it is not always possible to pay even our relatively low prices that so upset the Master Smiths (you may have seen it before, but the typical price of these is TWICE what we offer them for..)

So what we are willing to do is forgo our share of the profits and give YOU all one last chance before they are all gone for good..

Almost ALL the old Archives designs are back for one last time. After the 10th of April, they will all be archived permanently – never to be sold again.

It is a shame it came to this – and we will try to keep Forge Direct rolling with Master Xiaolong, but it will take some time.. For the time being, we have archived the Spring Collection and brought back all 8 classic Forge Direct Designs at 25% off for the very last time..

What more can I say. If you want to own your own piece of Chinese and SBG History, you have until April 10th..

Check the Final Selection Here

Hanwei Wearable Samurai Helmets Overstock Sale..!

This offer is valid until the end of March or until stock runs out and is for USA customers only..

These fully wearable, fully functional Samurai helmets (Kabuto) are the perfect accessory to display or compliment any collection of Japanese Katana and each one comes complete with its own display stand. All are based on actual museum originals and owned by famous Japanese Daimyo, Generals and Shogun..

Right now they are available at well below the usual WHOLESALE price and with just $15 shipping.

Makes an awesome gift for the sword collector who has everything. These truly are rock bottom prices and will never be repeated, so grab one of these while you still can..!

CLICK HERE for our full section of European and Asian Battle Ready Armor!

Buy Any Three Tactical Cold Steel Machete and Get a FREE Knife!

When the zombies come – you have to be prepared. You need a small armament of suitable chopping, cutting and slicing blades, not just for yourself, but to supply anyone else nearby to increase your odds of survival (and for the less altrustic minded among you, to give the zombies another target!).

If you read our official guide to zombie swords over at the main site, you will know that the best close quarters weapon to use against zombies is a machete. But not just any old machete. You need something like, well, something like this..

The NEW Cold Steel Katana Machete

The NEW Cold Steel Katana Machete

You can pick this tactical blade – and several other extremely suitable zombie dismembering blades at the front page of the SBG Sword Store. But if you order 3 or more, not only do you get free shipping in the USA – but you also get to choose one of four free bonus secondary sidearm knives..!


This offer applies to all past orders as well if you are a registered customer. One you update the cart with 3 or more of our Tactical Machetes, you will see a green box with a link to this page – where you can choose your bonus knife.


Then simply add the knife you want to the cart and it will show up with $0 next to it, it is as simple as that!

Have fun, and stay vigilant – Haloween is just around the corner, and if the zombies are just around the corner too, you will want something suitable close at hand..

Click here for the full details and selection