Dragon King Specials for July

As the month starts to draw to a close, we are delighted to offer you some steep discounts on 7 of Frenchie Jin’s popular Dragon King series – each sword discounted from $50 to $120 off its everyday low SBG price. These deals will end slightly before midnight the 31st of August, so don’t put it off – find and grab your best buy bargain while they are still on special.

Ogami Itto – $120 OFF

NOW $707.95

Kohaku Katana – $100 OFF

NOW $529.99

Summer Lotus Katana – $100 OFF

NOW $279.99!

Winter Sun Katana – $100 OFF

NOW $279.99!

Savior Katana – $100 OFF

NOW $537.95

Yanone Katana – $50 OFF

NOW $249.95

Fletching Katana – $50 OFF

NOW $299.98

Check out all these deals and more in the HOT SPECIALS section of our site:

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