I was hoping to have a much more positive blog post for you today – but that is going to have to wait as our sword collecting brothers and sisters in Europe have just been given punch in the guts by the E.U.
It’s not out of the blue – but it is rather sudden, and it appears that ALL standard sword shipping methods to Europe have been suddenly taken away and all shipments in transit to E.U. countries are hitting a wall and bouncing back to sender (a huge waste of money and a hit to ALL sellers of swords, as now an average shipping cost of $60 per sword is down the drain).
There is no announcement that we are aware of, and as swords ARE legal in the E.U., this is really an attack on civil liberties, personal responsibility and freedom that so many European countries hold so dear..
I have started a thread to discuss this and provide updates and news as it comes to hand here on the SBG Sword Forum. But for now, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but due to this situation we have had to remove ALL European countries as valid shipping destinations for our store as we have no economical method left to ship by..
For any customers with swords in transit that are being effected by the ban, we will endeavor to receive any swords that are returned and refund you as soon as possible..