The Spear is Mightier than the..?

While the pen may be mightier than the sword, it was the spear that was the most common and effective battlefield weapon for millennia. Whether for hunting, war or self defense – in an open space it was almost impossible for a swordsman to close the gap while being turned into a human pin-cushion..

So to celebrate this mighty medieval weapon, until the end of August we have hot specials on not one but two classic Asian spears.

The first is the classic Yari – the Japanese spear. With a tip differentially hardened like a Katana (but on both sides of the blade) it was and still is an intimidating piece of armory – capable of keeping wild animals or wild humans at bay as the case may be..

MSRP over $610 – now below wholesale at just $333

And then there is the classic Tiger Boar Killing Spear by Forge Direct. With a Master Smith forged and folded dismountable 1095 carbon steel blade and steel pole decorated with hand carved Dragon decorations, it is both visually stunning and until the end of the month, available not for $749 but with a whopping 25% OFF bringing the price down to just $562 SHIPPED (which is no small feet, as these packages are quite long).

Stunning in every detail
Fully dismountable

Grab these deals while you can – swords are a niche business, functional swords – a niche within a niche and spears (functional spears) as rare as hens teeth. So spice up your sword collection with one or both of these awesome battle ready recreations.

Project X Japanese – Behind the Scenes & Updates

The first 10 of 20 orders for the trial run of Project X Japanese – Custom Options have just been completed and are about the leave the forge with the final 10 swords not all that far behind.

In the meantime, I requested a few pictures of the master smiths and master polisher at work on these authentic Soshu Kitae laminated and differentially hardened blades to give you a bit of a behind the scenes look at what goes into making these swords as special as they are.

First up, a couple of nice shots of the initial fusion of the 5 panels of steel – correct placement of each type of steel is critical and it is a complex procedure that ONLY a Master Smith can actually pull off and is why this type of lamination is so rare and (relatively) expensive.

Once the 5 panels are properly forge welded together its hammer time – all done the old fashioned way, with not a power tool in sight – just two master smiths working together in unison to stretch out the steel.

Once the Master Smiths have finished forging and shaping the blade, it is then handed over to another certified Master – the polisher (whose apprenticeship is actually LONGER than that of a smith!).

Here the polisher spends one FULL day on each blade, getting to know it intimately as he smooths and sharpens the blade for optimal cutting performance.

One of the hardest parts of polishing a Katana is the kissaki (the tip), which takes almost as much time to polish as the rest of the blade due to its complex contours. The effort required to polish this small part of the blade is so great it is the reason why so many entry level hand made swords have nothing more than a rough counter-polish.

Naturally, this traditional method of polishing creates the highly desirable ‘geometric yokote’ – that is to say a definite and clearly defined line where the body of the blade transitions to the tip.

From there, these stunning blades are mounted up in the customers choice of premium fittings (full rayskin wrap, hishigami silk ito, you name it – no shortcuts or inferior components are used whatsoever).

Honestly, with all the blood, sweat, tears and skill that goes into each blade its only because we trim down our margins so much that a sword like this can be made available for $1000 – its easily worth DOUBLE the price if not even a bit more, as the first 20 people who were fortunate enough to get in on the first round offering are soon about to find out first hand..

To find out when the next round of offerings is available, and get access to exclusive deals and special upgrades, be sure to sign up to the exclusive Project X newsletter.

In the meantime, you can see the various base designs offered for the first round and perhaps start thinking about how YOU might decide to customize one for yourself if you are fortunate enough to be in a position to be able to afford one of these truly droolworthy swords..

Project X Japanese

One heck of a good deal on some new training accessories..


As you know (or should know!) one of the things that make SBG different than other sword sellers out there is we only sell real swords. This means we don’t sell anywhere near as many swords as other vendors who stack their shelves with mostly wallhangers or wallhangers being falsely marketed as functional swords..

So when we were offered an exceptional deal on some really high quality polypropylene Bokken (training swords, usually made of wood as Bokken literally means ‘wood sword’) we had to pass on the savings to you guys by offering them in our accessories section – after all – there is no way anyone could confuse a heavy truncheon like sword for a steel blade (at least I hope not.. I am sure I will get at least one email asking how to draw the blade out! Lol).

Each Bokken (one a full length Katana, and the other a shorter Ko Katana) has a high level of attention to detail, with simulated ito wrap (and even menuki for a realistic grip) and comes with two interchangeable tsuba fixed in place with a tight fitted habaki (so you can also take them off entirely if you like).

But from now until the 10th of June, when you buy one you get another one FREE – either two Katana, two Ko Katana or one of each, the choice is yours!

To get started, simply select the sword of your choice, add it to the cart, click the green rewards button to select your second free sword and your done!

A couple of common questions

Question: Are these swords suitable for sparring?

Answer: Yes, but unless you want to get knocked out or break some bones, it is recommended to use minimal force and lots of control.

Question: Are they truly indestructible?

Answer: Side by side tests reveal that they take minimal to no damage on hard tests that crack or severely deform wooden bokken. However, their one weakness is that a well made Katana can slice them in half with a perfectly timed blow, while it usually takes 3-4 strikes against a wooden one.

And thus ends the Legendary Swords Project..

At Least, as it was originally planned..

It took 2 years to get to this point, but as explained in previous blog posts, things did not go as well as we had hoped or needed them to continue or project to make the best fully functional fantasy swords on the market..

All the swords that we brought in or had made are now sold out, and all that is left of the project are the made to order designs by Scorpion Swords, albeit renamed..

Example, the Aelutian Gladius has now been renamed as the Celtic Fantasy Sword

You can read more about it all over on the Legendary Swords blog here (and also see a sword that was in the making before the project was canned, but will still be made as a one off custom sword for my very good lifelong friend who design it).

Prototype for a pending design – now to be made as a custom one off

While the Legendary Swords site itself will go on, we can firmly state that we have no more plans to produce any more fantasy sword designs on a commercial scale – and will instead concentrate on the fantasy sword market as it exists today, provide portfolio’s for custom sword makers and making and concentrate on digital fantasy sword art such as Webcomics, digital art and even role playing elements until the site, which grew organically, finds its ultimate direction again (Plan B I guess).

In the meantime, stay tuned – because its going to be a busy month. The limited re-release of custom versions of our best quality and most respected Katana brand, Project X, is imminent – and there are also a few other surprises that have nothing to do with fantasy swords just around the corner.

Until then, it has been a ride, that is for sure.

A very lucky mistake for some..

Usually when a business makes a mistake, understandably in most cases it is the customer who gets upset.. But sometimes when a business makes a mistake, the customer accidentally gets the deal of a lifetime…

Well, it just came to our attention that there has been a mistake in the latter category – because every customer who ordered one of the Ryujin Wakizashi was getting much more than they bargained and paid for…

I don’t know why I didn’t see it either – and looking back at it in hindsight – it’s glaringly obvious..

Just take a look at the picture below at the bo-hi and no-hi versions of this Wakizashi paying particular attention to the hamon temper line..

Click for a close up pic to see what I am seeing now..

Yes, that’s right. The Ryujin Custom Wakizashi were not the standard T10 tool steel differentially hardened blades to match the $229 Ryujin Custom Katana.. They are the ELITE Choji Midare Hamon versions to match the $469 Ryujin Custom Sword..!

This has meant for the longest time both Ryujin and SBG have been selling these excellent blades BELOW COST and every customer who ordered one unwittingly got more than they bargained for in a very good way..!

Naturally, we need to correct this quickly – it can’t continue to be sold anywhere near the $184 price tag they are currently going for. But here’s one last special chance – while we wait to get the correct adjusted pricing from the forge and raise it up to a price where we aren’t actually all losing money selling it – it is STILL available at the $184 price – but only for a day or two at the most..

So if you are a bargain hunter and in the market for a cool custom Wakizashi with a very lively and prominent natural hamon – you had better grab one of these at the accidental pricing before they go up rather significantly in price..

Choji Elite Wakizashi – with bo-hi

Choji Elite Wakizashi – no-hi