If getting access to the original fittings again was not good enough news – how does not one but THREE brand new designs, all heavily discounted with an introductory special, from the Master Smiths at Forge Direct grab you?
The first one is a high end and very exotic Dadao Chinese War Sword with solid brass, cheetah themed hilt that is surprisingly spry for such a meaty power chopper..

Down from $1500 to $1125
This really is quite a rare beast, as Dadao are quite uncommon to find on the sword market these days,and even rarer to find one at this kind of level of craftsmanship.
Just take a close look at the Damascus pattern of the blade – and rest assured that it has been made to the absolute highest standard possible..

Click the pic for a high res, detailed close up look
The second sword is another comparatively rare type – a high end WWII replica Gunto Japanese Military Sword, complete with lockable brass handle, iron saya,and a beautiful Master Smith blade to replicate the rarest type of Gunto – heirloom blades mounted in the new military style fittings.

Down from $1000 to just $750
Really cool, and makes for a stunning display piece, but of course – like all the Forge Direct Swords – is a 100% fully functional replica of the highest standard.
And then finally, and arguabley saving the best until last – one of the wildest, high activity hamon types I have seen in years – the ‘Extreme Yahazu’ Hamon Custom Katana.

Down from $1400 to $749.99
The Master Smiths have outdone themselves with this hamon pattern – and once this introductory special is over, if it has been well received by the sword community (and I have a feeling it will be!) it will be added as a third hamon option to the Forge Direct Elite Katana currently being offered for $899.99.
Below are some gallery pics of one of the the prototypes,which has the following customizations if you wanted to make this exact sword yourself:
28″ blade, full length bo-hi, iT03 Mokko Iron Tsuba, M1 Black Ito, Black Rayskin, G3 black sageo and S5 textured black saya
And THIS is what it all looks like when it comes together (customize YOURS however you like of course).
All of the special introductory pricing will finish midnight Friday the 8th of June, so if one of these three new designs strikes your fancy, now is the time to get one at the special introductory pricing and save..