It has been several months in the making, but as we reach the tail end of 2024, the year of the Dragon, it is fateful that one of our original SBG sword brands – the Black Dragon Forge – has re-awakened!
The flagship product is of course the classic SBG custom Katana, now back with more customization options and a lower price than EVER before (indeed, we double checked with AI on this and found that there are literally nearly 24 MILLION different possible configurations (actually, there are more than this as we added a Wakizashi and Ko Katana option, but for each blade type – there are literally tens of millions of different design possibilities, ensuring that it’s extremely unlikely someone will accidentally create the exact same sword as yours).

But the return of the custom Katana is just the beginning..
Black Dragon Japanese
In addition to the Custom Katana we have resurrected 4 classic Black Dragon designs, with more coming down the line in early 2025!
So without any further ado, here are the classic designs (and with classic, rewound pricing!).

First designed in 2013 (the year of the snake) and appropriate for next year (another year of the snake) this wicked design is both attractive and supremely functional. For a blast from the past, check out Marco Saintes original evaluation and high level demonstration of exactly how these deadly swords could be theoretically used.
Marco certainly knows a trick or two about how to get the most out of these blades (sorry for the video quality, if you want to skip ahead the real action starts here).
This one is a true SBG classic and a design concept I have revisited on several occasions.

With a solid bodied blade and sleek styling, it’s optimized for the cut and a very attractive package overall, with brass hamidashi fittings and a rayskin reinforced saya.
It’s full name ‘Hobgoblin Kogarasu Nagamaki Ninjato’ is a bit of a mouthful, but it is the only way to describe this bad boy Bujinkan inspired blade.

It’s the total package with the unique and mischievous Hobgoblin ‘Bakemono’ themed fittings, long black leather over black rayskin handle and deadly piercing and cutting Kogarasu blade geometry.
It’s nothing more, and nothing less, than a well balanced, clean lined T10 tool steel Katana with solid iron tiger in bamboo themed fittings, the Kagetoraken (Shadowtiger Sword) is attractive and extremely functional..

Close up pic of the blade, engraving, tsuba, iron fittings and itomaki..

And that’s just the Japanese sword section…
Mid to High End Chinese Swords!
Since we shut down on Forge Direct Chinese in late October, we have had a blank spot where we previously had some mid to high end traditional Chinese swords. So taking it’s place – and making it next level – the Black Dragon Forge brings back some classic Forge direct designs as well as some stunning new ones that we had long sought to have made…
Amazing New Chinese Swords
Limited Edition Double Dragon Dao!
We asked our partners at the Black Dragon Forge to dig into their archives to see if they had it – and they did.. The double dao is one of my favorite personal sword types, and this is a rare fully functional set..

Only 15pcs are available, after which time it will be retired permanently. So if you are like me and have spent years looking for a set like this, here’s your golden opportunity. They are not cheap, and not for the faint of heart, but you will know it if they are calling you..
Double Jian “Yang and Yin” Set
Hot on the heels of the limited edition Double Dao, is a perenneial classic and another set of ‘twin’ blades, though in this case one is considered the ‘Yin’ sword and the other a ‘Yang’ sword and are optimized for two handed use..

Just be careful if you are twirling these razor sharp Jian, these are far removed from the world of flimsy Wushu blades and require the utmost skill and attention to create that whirling wall of steel effect that these blades are capable of in the right (and left) hands..
Wild Boar Jian
It is built as solidly as a boar, has a boar theme and well, it could likely take one out without too much fuss or ado..

Despite it’s stout build and appearance, it is still easy to wield weighing a deceptively light 2.53lbs and its Damascus steel blade, a true delight to behold.
Yangling Dao
To round things off nicely, we need a solid mid level Dao – a no-nonsense martial arts grade single handed cutting sword. And here it is..

What more need we say?
Forge Direct Classics..
Classic Peony Jian
We had this one since we started Forge Direct Chinese, and now it is back for good with the Black Dragon Forge – the aptly named Classic Peony Jian.

Same quality, same price – and same beautiful workmanship.. Nice to see it back at SBG where it belongs.
Nine Dragon Jian
Here is another Forge Direct Chinese design that has been updated and re-imagined by the artisans at Shen Guanglong and Black Dragon.

Cooler, and now more affordable than ever…
Black Dragon Fantasy Swords
Sword of the Ancients
It’s another Forge Direct classic and back by popular request, this time more affordable than ever before and even with a custom scabbard option!

With each one unique like a fingerprint, every sword is a one off..
Cimmerian Sword
Black Dragon dips it toe into more battle ready fantasy sword designs, this time with the Robert E. Howard inspired ‘Cimmerian’ sword, our take on a ‘common’ design found among the Cimmerian Barbarian peoples from whom Conan descended from.

Watch this space for our version of Conan’s Atlantean sword coming soon..!
The Azure Flame Fantasy Longsword
Last but certainly not least, an ornate blue Flame battle ready fantasy sword – available in the original blue color, but also in red or black depending on your personal taste..

Here’s what it looks like in the different color options:

Visually striking and with steel fittings and a quality monotempered 1095 carbon steel blade, it’s no mere decoration..
Quite a large announcement, and an excellent note to close 2024 out on – but just you wait to see what is in store for next year…
In the meantime, these first offerings from the re-awakended Black Dragon Forge should be enough to tide you all over for quite some time..! But stay tuned, because you ain’t seen nothing yet…