New Release: Doomsday Sword # 8

The 8th release of the Doomsday Series swords designed by Jason Woodard and made by Chris Palmer in the USA is here. Introducing: the Sumerian

Based on ancient Mesopotamian mythology, Jason designed a very attractive leaf shaped shortsword as a fitting tribute:

An order was placed for the laser cut, certified 1095 carbon steel sword blank that would serve as the template for this piece:

From there, Chris shapes the handle and drills several holes that will be pegged and epoxied in place and grinds the rough edge of the blade to shape:

The blade is heated to approximately 1500 degrees, until it becomes non magnetic and then quenched in brine (salt water). The 2nd step is Heat Tempering, which consists of heating the steel to 500 degrees for 2 hours, and letting it air cool.

The tempered and heat treated blade is then fused to the Walnut wood handle with a series of 11 pins and epoxied firmly in place:

The end result?

And the best part, it’s just $269.99

New from Scorpion Swords: the Daab of Charn Chai

It has been a while since we have posted anything new, but with Christmas coming in 8 weeks time – the mothballed sword industry has been trying to wake up in time for the expected pick up in sales this season usually brings. Of course, these days nothing can be taken for granted, but it is great to see that our friend Chris Palmer has been busy in the lead up and has just released a brand new design – a low point of balance, super fast in the hand indestructible version of the classic Thai Daab fighting sword..

Used either one handed, but long enough in the handle to be used in two hands, or used with one in each hand, the Daab is a highly versatile sword with a long (around 4000 year) history and echoed in the sword designs of neighboring Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos.

A fitting tribute, Scorpions version is a little heftier than a traditional Daab but maintains the low polar point of balance these blades are famous for and can deliver full force blows with the arm or super fast cuts and hacks by simply rotating the wrist and letting the blades weight, speed and momentum to do all the work.

A real bargain at just $249.99 – the only caveat, due to the recent influx of people preparing for Christmas orders the lead time on all Scorpion Swords has blown out from 6-8 weeks to 8-10 weeks time, meaning that even if you ordered it now, it is not guaranteed to arrive in time for the big day.

Hot Special Extended to end of September

There has been so much going on behind the scenes that I have not been able to update the blog as much as is needed right now, and many more posts to be made over the coming week or so to get completely caught up again, but in the meantime a very succinct post:

The current hot special on the Dragon King Hana Katana, Kingston Arms XIV Arming Sword, and the A.P.O.C. Wasteland Gladius has been extended by popular request until the end of SEPTEMBER 2022..!

Of course, these at wholesale pricing deals will only be available while stocks last, so if you are in the market for any of these sword types, don’t miss out on this..!

More updates, news and specials coming soon..

New Wolf Tsuba added to Ryujin Custom Sword Line (all models)

Following the release of the Wolf themed ‘Grey Wolf’ Katana featuring a classic Ryujin T10 tool steel blade at the bargain introductory price of $249.99 – the tsuba from this themed fitting set has just been made available across the board on all of the Ryujin Custom Katana (and Wakizashi and O-Katana) lines (personally, I think it would look awesome on an O-Katana!).

Made from iron/low carbon steel it features two wolves howling at a (genuine) silver moon and on the side facing the sword when held, a yellow (gold plated) eyes snarling wolf – and as noted is now available on every sword that has a tsuba option (though only the grey wolf model features the themed wolf head kashira).

Definitely one of the most awesome looking tsuba to date – check out all the Ryujin custom sword lines that it features in below:

First sub $1000 L6 Sword – introducing the Hanwei Miao Dao

First applied to swords in the 1990s by the famous US swordmaker Howard Clark, L6 steel soon garnered a reputation as a kind of modern ‘super steel’ famous for its strength and durability. While many smiths attempted to follow, few were able to duplicate Howard’s success as the steel is notoriously hard to work with. However after many years of trial and error Ron Chen, son of Paul Chen, the founder of Hanwei, finally cracked the code and developed several models of high end production Katana using this highly sought after steel..

But in 2022 – the year when almost nothing new or revolutionary has happened – they release a surprise. A sub $1000 Chinese Long Saber, the Hanwei L6 Miao Dao.

Essentially a ‘Chinese Katana’ this simple yet sweeping and powerful design was a fantastic candidate for another L6 blade to their line up, but with simpler fittings and the emphasis on pure functionality, it was possible to house this blade and offer it for the lowest price any genuine L6 sword has ever been listed for before.

Stock is limited, and the restock is likely a very long time away, so if you can see what a great and rare opportunity this is, grab it at our heavily discounted price of (wait for it) not $899.99 but just $679.99!