Made as a collaboration between Master Blade Smith Michael Ye and US based artisan Jeffrey R. Robinson, the Seraph Aegis from the Legendary Swords project is truly one of the finest swords we have ever had the pleasure of making available to discerning sword collectors.
Even though we do not stock our swords at a big central location, we always do our best to ensure that the items we offer from our major sword suppliers have clearly marked and up to date stock statuses.
Well, we just finished another ‘stock-take’ and are really pleased to see some rarely available swords for sale by Cas Iberia and Hanwei – some of which have literally not been seen in many a year – and yet are still available at 2010 prices..!
So many Bastards..
During our stocktake we found that our distributor for Hanwei – Cas Iberia – had snuck in some true classics from their medieval lines – including three popular bastards (swords that is) that are a must have for any serious medieval sword enthusiast.
Check them all out in the Hanwei Medieval Sword Section HERE
For the Quick..
If you are quick, the usually almost always backordered fully functional Lord of the Rings Replica of the Ranger Sword is currently in stock at Darksword – but the way they sell, it may only be there for another day or two.
In stock right now – but you had better be quick..
Hope you all had a great time over the holiday period – I spent the time almost entirely ‘unplugged’ from the internet and with family members that are usually several thousand miles away and made many great memories both for them and for myself..
Of course, the only disadvantage to taking time off like this is that there is a small mountain of work that has piled up while I was away, and so it’s time to roll up sleeves and get everything back on track before we can kick the year off in earnest..
January should actually be a very interesting month, as several new and exciting products – mostly to do with our Legendary Swords Project – are about to come to fruition.
But first things first, there is a rather large load of emails and customer service related stuff that needs my immediate attention – so if you did email me directly over the holiday period or had a customer service issue escalated to me personally over the period that we were officially closed, please bear with me for a day or two while I go through them all and ensure everything is properly addressed (if you ever have emailed me personally before, you will know my replies are always very detailed and reflect my personal commitment to the best possible customer service – but of course this takes time, and I will be working backwards from the oldest contact to the most recent and continue to follow up until each inquiry is resolved to our customers satisfaction).
As such, if you are waiting for a reply from me, please be patient – I promise you I will do my best to get back to you as fast as humanly possible – and then, once up to date, stay tuned. As I said, 2019 is going to start off with some very interesting releases..!
Will update you all again shortly – if you held off emailing me or feel that something slipped through the cracks during the holiday period (our skeleton staff actually kept things running fairly smoothly while we were officially ‘closed’) feel free to contact me here
As of today the SBG sword store is officially closed and will be closed from the 21st of December to the 7th of January 2019. Much longer than usual, but I rarely spend time with my family and while I feel selfish about it, I really do need to take this time to spend my undivided attention with them.
Anyway, before I officially close down for the year, I wanted to make sure that as many loose ends have been tied up as possible, so here are a few notes that may apply to some customers that they will probably want to know about..
Any orders placed from today will not be processed until after we get back on the 7th of January. There may be exceptions – as we do have a skeleton crew manning things – but please do not count on it..!
Also, please be a little bit patient with us – personally I will be diving into all the emails and customer service stuff the day I get off from 4 flights taking up 24 hours – so I promise we our best, but it may take a few extra days until we are properly caught up.
We did state on the website until a few days ago that orders placed after the 10th of December will ship in early 2019 – and for some orders this will be true, for as we emphasize in our special annual article “Christmas Sword Buying Guide” the most important tip for Christmas is to buy as early as possible, for as the date creeps closer the number of lost or broken parcels skyrockets – and we honestly think its a really bad time to order a sword if it has been left until a week or so before the big day..
That said, we have noticed a few bottlenecks with our suppliers – again, another common issue at this time of year. While our office will be officially closed – the warehouses we use will keep shipping until the shipping services themselves start to shut up shop. And while we will have a skeleton staff on hand, it is quite possible that some orders placed after the 10th that have not been provided a tracking number may not get the tracking number, but the sword itself may still arrive..
Whatever the case may be, everything will be sorted out when we get back to the office after the 7th, though as stated before please be patient as we catch up through the backlog.
I literally just got a few photos that I have been waiting for on the current batch of SBG Custom Katana – it came too late for me to be able to send out updates right now, but I have updated the status page and here’s a quick pic to tide you over until I get back and can update properly.
Some of the Swords from Batch 44
These should be finished and start shipping in early January, so the next update should be a very positive one..! So please bear with us..
See You In 2019
I need to finish packing my bags and tying up as many other loose ends as I can before I head off – so again, thanks to everyone who helped make 2018 a successful year and look forward to servicing all your sword needs again in 2019.
As we race towards Christmas, we assume that you have all your Christmas sword shopping needs already taken care of.. The closer we get to Christmas, the higher the chance that anything ordered now will be delayed and not make it until after New Years..
But for those of you scrambling for something last minute – we have some great offers over the next 72 hours that will all wind up at midnight EST the 17th of December..
First of these is a brand new addition to our popular budget Chinese line – a huge almost 5′ long ‘Miao Dao’ for just $200!
Next up, the premium quality Hollow Ground Crecy Sword by the artisans at Kingston Arms..
Crecy War Sword – Sharp by Kingston Arms
MSRP on this one is $500, and our everyday low price is $329.99 plus free shipping. But from now until the 17th it is available at well below the wholesale cost price, allowing you to grab a last minute bargain..
And finally – well, this next one isn’t quite ready yet.. But stay tuned – what’s coming will only be available for a very short time, and only for those who are quick enough to take advantage of it..