With the sword industry far to quiet and experiencing an increasingly difficult and essentially unsustainable sales situation, in the downtime our friend Chris Palmer from Scorpion Swords took a little time to gather together a handful of swords that they had lying around the workshop for one reason or another and create a limited ‘scratch and dent’ sale promotion (though as you will see, there is not really anything scratched or dented about them)..
The first one is the last of series, a Fantasy Celtic Sword that was designed as part of the now defunct ‘Legendary Swords’ Project.

This one comes complete with a leather sheathe, solid brass fittings and a wickedly pointed triangular gladius style blade and was sold back in the day for $338.99 but is available as part of the sale for just $269.99 (and is the very last one that will ever be made, as the project, and this sword – has been wound up quite some time ago).
The second one came about as a misinterpretation of a customers custom order specification. They asked for a ‘reverse blade’ version of the Thai Daab – and while cool (almost like a kukri), it was not actually what the customer meant – so Chris remade it for the customer and now the unique reverse blade version is on sale as part of the scratch and dent sale for just $199.99 (normally $259.99).

And finally, Chris can’t actually remember why he has one, but only that he does have one in stock – and that is the meaty cleaver like blade that is the sword of Hakai.

Normally $249.99, it is available ex-stock for just $199.99 (and along with the Thai Daab, both can also be ordered with a leather sheathe – though this will delay shipping if selected as an option as it will need to be custom made).
Definitely 3 great deals for 3 lucky people – check these out and more in the HOT SPECIALS section of our Store: