UPDATE: This is pretty amazing, but it was sold out within a month of the new stock landing! Looks like aficionados know a bargain when they see one – buy makes it hard to keep in stock!
Updated mid December, 2020
It is one of Ryuin’s most popular swords – and is an extremely faithful recreation of a Japanese NCO blade from the second world war – not just in appearance, but also in its handling and statistics.
Below is a comparison to an antique (top).
And a recent review on the SBG forum has the following summary:
“To summarize, this is probably the very best modern Type 98 shin gunto reproduction currently available as a production sword, is equal to the originals in usability, and very nearly in quality and appearance. It’s a great cutter as well. It’s also probably priced as low as something of this quality possibly can be. For what you get, it’s a genuine bargain. WW II military re-enactors take note.”
The fourth sword in the Doomsday line has just been released – a fully functional replica of the sword used by ‘Blade’ (Wesley Snipes) in his Daywalker franchise, with an amended design by Jason Woodard.
Here are a few pictures that Jason took of the sword with a suitable ‘Doomsday’ background..
Like all Scorpion Swords, the blade is cut to shape from a sheet of 1095 carbon steel.
It is then ground to shape, heat treated and holes cut out for the multitude of minor pins that give it such a good overall durability rating.
The end result?
One extremely durable, hand made in the US version of the Daywalker. Check out Jasons’ testing results below:
Price is only $279.99 plus shipping, click the button below for all the details
Timely in a slightly disturbing way – CAS Iberia, the master distributor for such brands as the Hanwei Forge, Kingston Arms, Legacy Arms, Citadel Swords, Rawlings Red Dragon and of course, the A.P.O.C. line, did not restock in September as we initially expected and the big restock for 2020 is delayed until early November 2020.
However, they did receive a small shipment to top up stock for Kingston Arms (most notably, the extremely popular Renaissance Side Sword and the Oakeshott Type XIV Arming Sword) and of course, the A.P.O.C. series.
Almost every blade in the series has been restocked. And joining the line up, a new, extremely practical design – the Tac Brutus Gladius
While many lay collectors, biased by pop culture references such as the Walking dead, think that the Katana is the best tool in a zombie apocalypse or post apocalypse home invasion – experts all tend to suggest that a Gladius is much more practical.
Here’s some reasons why a Gladius is the ULTIMATE sword for self defense in the 21st century:
Historically, thrusts to the torso were ‘fight stoppers’ while cuts did not stop a determined attacker.
It is almost impossible for an attacker to get ‘past’ the tip of the sword.
It is extremely versatile – while optimized for a thrust can also be used to hack, slash and cut as the situation allows.
Is extremely fast, multiple attacks from every angle imaginable are possible, quickly overwhelming an opponent.
Can be combined with a shield to fight an opponent by blocking a doorway or with a second, smaller blade in the off hand for dual wielding (such as the A.P.O.C. Last Chance Bowie or the A.P.O.C. Wayward Camper).
All of these reasons make a Gladius a good choice, but the A.P.O.C. Tac Brute has a lot more going from it than most other Gladii on the market..
For a start, it is made from 9260 Spring steel and is constructed so that it is effectively a solid piece, with the full tang sandwich style handle. Furthermore, it is thoughtfully designed by none-other than the legendary Angus Trim – so is one of the most optimized, practical Gladii to ever hit the sword market.
Normal price for this baby is $159 but as always we cut our margins to the bone and offer it to you for just $129.95. Check it out firsthand, you will be glad you did – at this price, it truly is a bargain.
You may remember that earlier this month we gave you a glimpse at one of the latest swords designed by Clyde Hollis’s latest venture, Kingdom of Arms – the Irish Kern Sword..
Funnily enough, as it turns out, the KERN will have to be restocked next time as only a couple were ordered and are already spoken for. Indeed as far as restocks go – out of the four products we had initially listed, 3 have been restocked – the Crecy Sword and the Maintz Gladius
But rather than just being a restock, it is an EXPANSION and ESTABLISHMENT of their line – and its very cool to see some premium quality, battle ready replicas made by the fine artisans at Blade Culture International in the Philippines again!
So let’s have a look at the new swords – and it is refreshing to see some truly awesome looking historical designs, from Ancient Rome to the Knights Templar..
The oldest sword, apart from the Celtic blade, is the Iberian Falcata – a true timeless classic.
The basic design clearly very ‘natural’ as the basic shape and concept has resurfaced independently time and time again. For example, the Greek Kopis, and of course, the Gurkha Kurkri which has also been replicated by Kingdom of Arms and BCI..
Anyway, getting back to a more ‘chronological’ order – the Roman counterpart to the Falcata is the Hispaniensis Roman Mainz Gladius and when you add all their various Gladius designs together, it almost immediately makes Kingdom of Arms one of the leading makers of Fully Functional, truly battle ready versions of Roman Gladii replicas on the planet!
Following the trail of history, there were a few samples of a Viking Sword – though not enough to put in stock this round (But here it is for future reference).
Still following a historical timeline, we enter the era of the Holy Wars and Crusades with a powerful arming sword – the Crusader Medieval War Sword
It is one powerful and rather hefty long 33″ bladed sword that only the strongest dare to wield – but it counterbalanced in every way, from early Crusades to the end with the Last Crusader Medieval Longsword a beautifully crafted Oakeshott XVIIIa Longsword with black wire wrapped handle.
And finally, a blade that is STILL an important part of Scottish Culture and tradition to this day, the Sgian Dubh
Like we said, this one is more than just a restock – the Kingdom of Arms has arrived.
Full Restock of the $229.99 Ryujin Custom Sword Series
A lot of people have been waiting for this FULL restock of our wildly popular SBG/Ryujin Custom Katana line – and I am pleased to say that it has just landed and that ALL components of the Custom Katana series, including the Solid bodied blade version, are once again available:
Additionally, a couple of non-custom Ryujin swords also restocked at the same time, namely the $149.99 65MN Spring Steel Blade Two handed Tang Dynasty Silver Jian pictured below:
And the very reasonably priced ($69) Classic Ninjato from the 1045 carbon steel ‘art swords’ line:
Still more restocks (and some NEW swords) pending, so stay tuned everyone! September is definitely restock month…!